Kate and Leopold

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"KATE AND LEOPOLD" "KATE AND LEOPOLD"                                      Screenplay by                             James Mangold and Steven Rogers                                   Based on a story by                                      Steven Rogers                               FADE IN:               INT. VICTORIAN ESTATE - 1895 - DAY               CLOSE UP: Ornate antique GRANDFATHER CLOCK strikes 2:15.               The credits begin to roll.               Calligraphy place cards are painstakingly hand-written in                preparation for a formal reception.               Servants meticulously clean an elaborate crystal chandelier.               Hands rapidly shine silver cutlery.               Fresh flowers arranged in several enormous vases.               INT. KITCHEN - DAY               Kitchen clock strikes 2:15.               Poultry plucked. Feathers everywhere.               Steaming copper pots boiling over. Platters prepared with                decorative garnish.               Extravagant tiered cake is lavishly iced. A glob of frosting                enters a pair of puckered lips. The perpetrator, a fey,                pompous, HEAD VALET, seriously considers the texture and                flavor of the icing, then gives the PASTRY CHEF a withering,                sour look.               The valet, oblivious to the chef's fury, gathers a prepared                silver breakfast tray and checks his pocket watch. 2:15.               INT. BEDROOM - DAY               Antique bedside table clock -- just past 2:15. The valet                throws open velvet drapes, sunlight FLOODS the room revealing                a figure sleeping soundly in a massive oak framed bed. The                valet puts down the tray, pulls back the quilt.               The dozing figure gives the valet a deliberate, angry KICK.               Flinching infinitesimally, the valet crosses to the closet,                selects three suits and holds them up for inspection. From                beneath the puffiest of pillows, AN EYE reluctantly opens. A                weary arm points decisively to the riding outfit.               EXT. ESTATE - DAY               The riding outfit is adorned by LEOPOLD, Duke of Albany, a                dashing, virile man in his 30's. GALLOPING with great abandon,                he expertly leads his horse up hills and over hedges. He                sends gardeners shaping the grounds fleeing from his path.               In the background, lanterns are being strung throughout the                estate. Rugs are beaten out of open windows.               INT. HALLWAY - EVENING               Large hallway clock -- 6:15. A pair of boots track a freshly                scrubbed floor as Leopold heads carelessly up the stairway.                Three steps behind, the valet snaps his fingers signaling                the staff to clean up the mess.               SERIES OF CLOSE UPS               Gaudily framed portraits of somber relations.               A bird sits listless in a gilded cage.               Hot water is poured into a bath.               Carriages begin to arrive.               Orchestra leader signals the musicians to play.               Guests fill the ballroom in formal attire.               INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT               Leopold stares haughtily into a full length mirror.               He wears only dotted linen drawers and a black silk top hat                of the period. He flexes slightly. The valet hastily fastens                a corset around his mid-section from behind.               Leopold eyes his reflection seductively. He becomes bored.               He turns to his right. The valet spoons sorbet from a silver                saucer into his mouth. He turns back to the mirror to watch                himself eat. The valet pats his mouth dry.               He affects a pampered STRUT, crossing the room as the valet                sprays a mixture of perfume and powder into the air. Leopold                thrusts out his arms walking through the mist, turns and                saunters back to his favorite place, in front of the mirror.               Finally, as if weighing a great decision, Leopold hands his                hat to his valet and nods firmly into the mirror.               CLOSE UP               Fine linen undervest slides over his head.               Black twilled worsted trousers pulled up to his waist.               The buttoning of his hard, white, roll collar.               A cream suede glove stitched in black slides over his hand.               A perfect tight bow tie is tied around his neck.               An elegant black tuxedo jacket with silk facings and tails                to the knees is fitted to his torso.               His hair is sleeked with oil and centrally parted.               His eyebrows are brushed with a tiny silver comb.               His cheeks are pinched.               A red silk handkerchief is placed in the bosom of his lapel.               Leopold stares into the mirror. The effect is DAZZLING. He                raises one eyebrow. Then, in a voice you could pour over a                waffle:                                     LEOPOLD                         You dance like a herd of cattle,                          Miss Fairchild. You are a rare woman                          who lights up the room... simply by                          leaving it.               He bows. As he rises, the reflection of Leopold's UNCLE OTTO,                a pampered, effectual man in his 60's, appears behind Leopold                in the looking glass.                                     UNCLE OTTO                         Tell me Leopold, do you plan to join                          us downstairs after completing this                          one-sided flash of wit?                                     LEOPOLD                         I despise affairs of this sort, Uncle                          Otto. No one really listens to anyone                          else. If you attempt it, you will                          see why.                                     UNCLE OTTO                         You judge everything too severely. I                          wonder what would happen if you were                          to cast that critical eye inward?                                     LEOPOLD                         You do not wonder at all. You merely                          ask in order to state your own                          opinion.                                     UNCLE OTTO                         We are all concerned about you.                                     LEOPOLD                         Ahh, here it comes.                                     UNCLE OTTO                         Your life does not seem to have any                          direction. At the age of 25 a man is                          too young to do anything well. At 35                          he is too old. Now is your time to                          take action. Tell me, what is it you                          want to DO with your life?                                     LEOPOLD                              (wearily)                         I do not know.                                     UNCLE OTTO                              (just as weary)                         Your ignorance cramps my conversation.                              (he slaps Leopold's                               face twice rather                               quickly)                         Wake up! This is your one and only                          life. Every man has the chance to                          make a difference. DO something!               Leopold, stung, takes a moment to compose himself.                                     LEOPOLD                         I am most grateful for your                          surveillance and for your sympathy.                          I assure you there is no need for                          concern. I am as effectual and                          attentive... as my position allows.                                     UNCLE OTTO                         Life is not position, Leopold. It is                          action.                              (he straightens                               Leopold's tie)                         I will see you downstairs promptly.                          In the appropriate frame of mind.               He leaves. Leopold stares into the mirror, snaps his fingers.                The valet hands him a glass and pours a small shot of brandy.                Leopold shoots him a look. The valet fills the glass higher.               Leopold drains the glass and heads to the doorway. He                hesitates, taking a deep breath and a long pause. Finally...                                     THE VALET                              (grandly)                         Go spread joy.               Without looking back, Leopold leaves the room.               INT. BALLROOM - NIGHT               Music fills the air as the creme de la creme of Victorian                society gather inside. Leopold holds a prearranged dance                card. He looks at the names and finds his first partner is                MISS TREE. Leopold looks upward helplessly at an unrelenting                God.               INT. BALLROOM DANCE FLOOR - NIGHT               A profoundly self-conscious Leopold dances energetically                into frame with MISS TREE, an ancient, elfin, yet amazingly                SPRY woman who gapes up at him searchingly, unblinking.               Leopold opens his mouth to speak, can think of nothing                suitable to say, and clamps his mouth shut. They dance out                of frame.               INT. BALLROOM DANCE FLOOR - NIGHT               Leopold dances into frame with CLARA, a BEAUTIFUL girl of                19. He glances at her and smiles. She titters, turning away                shyly. They whirl around the dance floor. His smile grows                into a broad grin. Caught up in the excitement, Clara beams                up at him... happily revealing a mouth full of missing, inky                teeth.               Leopold, face frozen in a formal smile, dances on.               INT. BALLROOM DANCE FLOOR - NIGHT               Leopold lumbers into frame with MISS FAIRCHILD, a woman of                immense girth. With great dignity and extreme difficulty he                maneuvers her around the floor, looking everywhere except                her enormous bosom.                                     LEOPOLD                         You dance like an angel, Miss                          Fairchild. You light up the room. I                          thank you.               Miss Fairchild curtseys heavily. Leopold glances at his card,                sees the name Miss Serena Clacket and shudders.               He spots a VERY LOVELY WOMAN hidden amongst the guests. She                scribbles in a small note pad, occasionally glancing around.                Hiding his dance card, he saunters over.                                     LEOPOLD                         Good evening. I do not believe I                          have had the pleasure.               The young woman stares vacantly at Leopold until she realizes                he is addressing her. She puts her pad away.                                     CARLSON                         ...Julia Carlson.               Leopold takes her hand and kisses it gently.                                     CARLSON                         I'm sorry. Will you excuse me?                                     LEOPOLD                              (slightly tipsy)                         You are not from the area, are you?                                     CARLSON                              (smiles and shakes                               her head "No")                         Are you?                                     LEOPOLD                         This is my estate.                                     CARLSON                         Really?                              (looking around the                               room)                         Well it's not home but it's much...               Leopold regards her curiously. The orchestra starts up. There                is a hubbub amongst the guests.                                     LEOPOLD                         Shocking! The TA-RA-RA-BOOM-DE-AY.                                     CARLSON                         The? Oh, that's from Paris, isn't                          it?                                     LEOPOLD                         It is a scandal nonetheless.               Leopold spots Uncle Otto observing him from across the room.                                     LEOPOLD                         Miss Carlson, do me the honor?                                     CARLSON                         I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer.                                     LEOPOLD                              (smiling seductively)                         Truly I would be in your debt. Any                          admonition would be erased simply by                          presenting a partner as lovely as                          yourself.                                     CARLSON                         No, no. Really, I...               Leopold stiffly holds out his arm. A beat. Carlson, stuck,                takes it WITH HESITATION and is escorted to the dance floor.               They dance. ALL but Leopold and Carlson gaily sing "TA-RA-RA-               BOOM-DE-AY." Leopold, flushed, looks quite smitten. Carlson,                shy at first, eventually smiles brightly.                                     LEOPOLD                         I suppose we really ought to sing                          along.                                     CARLSON                              (embarrassed)                         Oh, golly.               They half sing, half speak the TA-RA-RA-BOOM-DE-AY, their                emphasis on "BOOM." Laughing giddily, their dancing becomes                freer, picking up speed. The room SPINS. Finally:                                     CARLSON                              (breathless)                         Thank you for the dance. It was                          lovely. I hope it wasn't too awful                          for you.                                     LEOPOLD                         Not at all. It was most enlightening.               There is a slight pause. The Grandfather CLOCK strikes                midnight.                                     CARLSON                         I really must be going.                                     LEOPOLD                         I won't hear of it.                                     CARLSON                              (moving away from him)                         No, I'm quite late as it is.                                     LEOPOLD                         I shall see you to the door...                                     CARLSON                              (stopping him                               resolutely)                         You're very sweet. I had a wonderful                          time.                              (she watches him,                               memorizing his face.                               Then firmly)                         Goodbye.               Leopold takes a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. He                watches Carlson pass through the crowd and out the courtyard                door. He surveys the room. After a moment he follows her.               EXT. GARDEN - NIGHT               Leopold makes his way through the manicured garden in the                dark. He hears an EERIE METALLIC SOUND. He slows down, brushes                back the thicket. The silhouette of a woman is revealed. She                is once again writing in her notebook.                                     LEOPOLD                         Miss Carlson?               Carlson spins around quickly, panicked. Leopold STOPS.                Partially hidden in the brush, a sleek, oddly shaped,                MECHANICAL device. It's door open, lit from within, casting                a weird glow.                                     LEOPOLD                         Good God...                                     CARLSON                         What are you...? You frightened me.               Leopold moves toward the contraption and is about to touch                it...                                     LEOPOLD                         What sort of mechanism is this?               Carlson shakes her head, unsure of how to proceed.                                     LEOPOLD                         Answer me!                                     CARLSON                         It's perfectly all right. It's...               Leopold carefully examines the apparatus, stepping inside.                Carlson FREEZES.                                     CARLSON                              (carefully,                               deliberately)                         Listen to me. Please. Move very                          slowly. Step out of the machine.                          Step out and I'll explain whatever                          you want to know.                                     LEOPOLD                         What is this? Who are you?               His hand comes to rest on a glowing red lever.                                     CARLSON                         Oh, God.               She YANKS on his arm. Instinctively he pulls away,                accidentally thrusting the lever into action. Carlson falls                from the machine.                                     CARLSON                              (suddenly frantic)                         Get out of there! Get out now!               The machine LIGHTS UP.                                     LEOPOLD                         Miss Carlson... I...                                     CARLSON                         No!!!               The compartment door snaps shut.                                     CARLSON                         Shit!!               There is a BRIGHT WHITE FLASH. Blackness fills the screen.                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. N.Y.C. LABORATORY - 1995 DAY               The compartment door slides OPEN revealing DR. KAU, 30's, an                Asian doctor with a THICK BROOKLYN ACCENT. Her face full of                enthusiasm drops as she sees the unconscious Leopold.                                     DR. KAU                         Shit!!               She turns to her co-workers, warning them.                                     DR. KAU                         Shit!!               She looks back at Leopold.                                     DR. KAU                         Shit!!               Her co-workers, DR. PLODDER, austere, authoritative, DR.                DRAKE, muddled and timid, peer inside the compartment door.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Good God!                                     DR. PLODDER                         Everybody stay calm... Lock the front                          door.               Dr. Drake and Kau make a move to inspect an unconscious                Leopold.                                     DR. PLODDER                         No, no, no. You mustn't touch him.                          The consequences could be                          catastrophic.                                     DR. KAU                         He could be hurt, or even dead.                                     DR. PLODDER                         ...All right. Touch him.               They approach Leopold. Dr. Kau finds Carlson's note pad on                the ground next to Leopold. She reads the last entry.                                     DR. KAU                         ...But I'm stuck and it's only a                          dance and he IS the seventh Duke of                          Albany...               They all look at one another, then back at Leopold.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Carlson...!                                     DR. PLODDER                              (racing from the room)                         Give me a minute...                                     DR. KAU                         Shit!               INT. LAB - KATE'S OFFICE - DAY               KATHERINE COLES, a radiant workaholic, types frenetically                into the computer while talking on the phone, trying hard                not to sound upset.                                     KATE                         Who's upset? People fall in love,                          they have to climb back out.                              (she laughs but she                               is not smiling)                         So, what? We'll just be friends now,                          Right?               She stops typing and listens for a while. She runs her hand                through her hair.                                     KATE                         I see. Well I appreciate your honesty.                              (using her middle                               finger she pushes up                               her glasses)                         No. I'll just think of this as                          surviving another dating accident.                          Take care or good luck or whatever                          I'm supposed to...               The line goes dead.                                     KATE                         ...say... Goodbye.               Dr. Plodder bursts in. Kate sees his distress and instantly                becomes very centered.                                     DR. PLODDER                         She's back.                                     KATE                              (rising)                         That's impossible! She wasn't supposed                          to return until...                                     DR. PLODDER                         Kate. It's Carlson. Something went                          wrong.               He hands her Carlson's note pad. Slowly, she sits down.                                     KATE                         ...The 7th Duke...               INT. LAB - DAY                                     KATE                              (all business, reading                               from a printout)                         ...of Albany. He was the... IS the                          son of Emery and Eliza. He was of no                          actual importance until he vanished                          at the turn of the century without a                          trace. It was a sensation. In the                          30's they even made a movie about                          him. "The Tenuous Duke" with Ronald                          Coleman.                                     DR. DRAKE                              (absently)                         I love Ronald Coleman.                                     KATE                         Despite much speculation and a nation                          wide investigation, a body was never                          found. He was never heard from again.                                     DR. KAU                         Until now.               There is a stunned silence. They stare at Leopold in awe.                                     DR. DRAKE                         We've altered the course of history.                                     DR. KAU                         We never should have started this...                                     KATE                         Calm down.                                     DR. PLODDER                         What are we going to do? We can't                          keep him here. Imagine if anyone                          found out!                                     KATE                         Think. Just, think. Rationally. Now,                          no one would believe such a stupid                          mistake could be made because no one                          would believe any of this is possible.                          So. We fix this. We keep this to                          ourselves and we fix it. Fast.               They all nod in agreement.                                     KATE                         Dr. Kau, research all our data. 1st                          priority: Locate Carlson. Drake,                          determine the reciprocal correlation's                          connected to the 19th century. Work                          24 hours a day if necessary. In the                          meantime... one of us will have to                          take charge of him.               She forces back panic. Only the tremor in her voice gives                her away.                                     KATE                         This is a major scientific                          opportunity. It doesn't get any better                          than this. Imagine. Researching the                          behavior, the physical and emotional                          characteristics of a century ago!                          Utilizing technology available to us                          today... He's a gold mine!                                     DR. PLODDER                         He's a man, Kate. Not a guinea pig.                                     KATE                         And while he's here, he's ours. Any                          volunteers?               No one moves.                                     DR. DRAKE                         We'll draw names. Whoever is is picked                          will be responsible. Agreed?               They nod reluctantly. Drake writes out names and throws them                in a cup. The silence becomes deafening. Finally:                                     DR. KAU                         I'll do it.               All the scientists face her.                                     DR. PLODDER                         You'll look after him?                                     DR. KAU                         No, I meant I'll pick the name.               She reaches in. They wait with mounting suspense. Finally                SHE TURNS TO KATE. The scientists follow her gaze. A beat.                                     KATE                         Fine.               Leopold stirs. He blinks at the group.                                     LEOPOLD                         Where...? What has happened?!               The doctors, caught off guard, SMILE BENIGNLY. They surround                Leopold as a group, not knowing where to begin. Finally:                                     KATE                         Your Grace... Um... Hello... Weee                          aaare a smaaall part of a laaarge                          research team. A project funded by                          the government of the United States.                                     LEOPOLD                              (regarding their                               appearance with                               distaste)                         Oh. Americans. I see...                                     KATE                         Yes, um... For the past six and a                          half years we've been conducting                          scientific experiments on density                          and flexibility in the dimensions of                          time and space.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Yes, uh... Quite by accident we came                          upon a formula utilizing Tachyons...                          particles traveling faster than the                          speed of light, which allowed us                          to... fold time so to speak.                                     DR. PLODDER                         Yes. Bend it between the cracks of                          the dimensions.                                     DR. KAU                         Yes.               They all laugh nervously. Leopold does not.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Now, while that wasn't the original                          purpose of our experiment, we opted                          to pursue it, well, privately, on                          our own.                                     DR. KAU                         Borrowing funds already provided.                                     KATE                         We journeyed to your time because it                          was the quickest path to follow. We                          debated long and hard whether we                          should use this knowledge at all.                          Believe me, it was never our intent                          to disturb the past...                                     DR. DRAKE                         Merely to discover if the expedition                          were possible. As your presence here                          confirms... we are very disturbed.               Leopold nods at them as if they are insane.                                     DR. PLODDER                         The problem facing us is not only                          HOW to get you back, but WHEN, you                          see?                                     KATE                         We certainly don't want to                          miscalculate. Send you to a different                          era entirely.               Leopold starts to speak.                                     DR. PLODDER                         Rest assured, no harm will come to                          you. You'll be well looked after by                          Dr. Coles.                                     LEOPOLD                         Dr. Coles...? I do not follow. What                          do you mean, get me back home?...                          Where am I?               Awkward pause. Leopold looks carefully around the room for                the first time: modern mechanical equipment, data shifting                and changing, giant cooling devices, bright neon lighting.                The doctors are silent.                                     LEOPOLD                         Answer me!...                              (slowly)                         Would you have me believe... I am                          being detained, at present in the                          HEREAFTER?... The time to come?                                     DR. PLODDER                              (carefully)                         It is the year nineteen hundred and                          ninety-five.                                     LEOPOLD                         ...19...?               Leopold leaps up. The doctors follow him around the room.                                     LEOPOLD                         You're insane! All of you! This is                          impossible!                                     DR. PLODDER                         Leopold, calm down!                                     LEOPOLD                         A voyage through time! What do you                          take me for? Did you bring me here                          by force?                                     DR. DRAKE                         We're scientist, not seditionists.                                     LEOPOLD                              (truly panicked)                         Let me out of here! I won't stand                          for this another moment!               He's out the door.               INT. UNDERGROUND HALLWAY - DAY               Leopold moves quickly, fearfully through the darkly lit                hallway, the doctors close behind.                                     KATE                         Leopold, wait!                                     DR. KAU                         You don't know what you're doing.                                     DR. PLODDER                         Just listen to what we have to say!               It is too late. Leopold throws open the door and runs                upstairs.               EXT. STREET - DAY               Blinding sunlight. Skyscrapers. Automobiles. Traffic lights.                Road construction. Modern day pedestrians. Helicopters. Car                alarms. Leopold stands frozen, overwhelmed, taking it all                in.                                     LEOPOLD                         19...?               The doctors reach him. He collapses to the ground.                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. CAR - DAY               Kate and Dr. Kau talk quietly. Leopold, tightly holding onto                his seat and the back door, gazes out the window in utter                disbelief.                                     KATE                         Squab.                                     DR. KAU                         Squab?                                     KATE                         I remember reading they ate a lot of                          squab.                                     DR. KAU                         Squab... Do you have a squab?                                     KATE                              (quietly. On the verge                               of panic)                         I don't know!                                     DR. KAU                         Pull yourself together!                              (turning to Leopold)                         Are you all right back there?               Leopold, trembling, gapes at the sights, every day sounds,                magnified. Perspiration runs down the side of his face. Kate                watches him in her rear view mirror.                                     KATE                         You're going to be fine you know.                          There's nothing to worry about. I                          have everything under control.               Dr. Kau stares at Kate in concerned silence.                                     KATE                              (quietly to Dr. Kau)                         We'll never get away with this.               INT. BEDROOM - THE NEXT MORNING               Leopold awakens alone in his room. He sits up with a jolt.                His stomach sinks as he realizes THIS IS NO DREAM. He slowly                rises to his full stature, moving to the window he looks out                on the modern day city, shaking his head in awe. He makes                his way to the bedroom door and tentatively touches the knob.               There is a KNOCK on the door.               Leopold JUMPS back and runs to the bed: The picture of                dignity.                                     KATE                         How are you feeling?                              (no response)                         I thought you might like some tea.                                     LEOPOLD                         I insist on being returned home                          immediately.                                     KATE                         I understand. We're doing our best.                                     LEOPOLD                         I wish to speak with your employer,                          Dr. Coles.                                     KATE                         You're speaking to him.                                     LEOPOLD                         You are not suggesting that you are                          Dr. Coles?               She smiles.                                     LEOPOLD                         Miss... uh?                                     KATE                         Dr. Coles. If you like, you could                          call me Miss Dr. Coles or if that's                          too much, how about just plain Kate?                                     LEOPOLD                              (coldly)                         A WOMAN of science?                                     KATE                         Hard to believe?                                     LEOPOLD                         But a woman's brain cannot obtain                          enough knowledge to posses a truly                          scientific mind.                                     KATE                              (jotting this down)                         Interesting. Nevertheless, we've                          come a long way baby.                                     LEOPOLD                              (confused)                         Are you attempting to be humorous?                                     KATE                         I'm attempting to be informative                          it's just coming out humorous.               Leopold regards her dubiously.                                     KATE                              (clinically)                         Look, modern social science clearly                          states that a woman's place in society                          marks the level of that civilization.                          A science career for a woman is now                          almost as acceptable as being a...                          a... waitress. Cream and sugar?                                     LEOPOLD                         Young lady, I... Surely it is not                          expected that I remain here with you                          indefinitely... Unchaperoned?                                     KATE                              (pen poised)                         Does that make you nervous?                                     LEOPOLD                         Certainly not!                                     KATE                              (writing)                         Then what are you getting so red                          about? It's a very large apartment...                          with locks on all the doors.                                     LEOPOLD                         The idea! My dear Miss Coles...                                     KATE                         Dr. Coles.                                     LEOPOLD                         Honey...                                     KATE                              (she puts the pad                               down)                         Let's get one thing straight right                          now. My name is Kate or Katherine or                          if you insist Dr. Coles.                              (she rises)                         Take a good long look, Leopold. I am                          a 20th century American woman with a                          Doctorate and a commission and                          independence. I am not your "young                          lady" or your "pretty Miss" or your                          "honey." Is that clear?               Leopold watches her with great interest. Finally:                                     LEOPOLD                         Honey... For the tea.                                     KATE                         ...I'll get it for you.               Kate grabs the teacup grandly and leaves the room.               INT. KITCHEN - MORNING               Kate rummages through every drawer, shelf and cupboard                searching for the honey. Finally, she spots the honeybear                and squeezes honey A TAD TO VIOLENTLY into the tea. She tries                posing "confidently" then checks her reflection in the                toaster.               INT. BEDROOM - MORNING               Kate returns "confidently" with the tea and a plastic smile.                                     LEOPOLD                         Thank you... Has it been decided                          what it is I am to do while I am                          being held here?                                     KATE                         Oh, just some laundry, the cooking,                          a little light housework...               Leopold doesn't react.                                     KATE                              (clearing her throat)                         I took the liberty of preparing a                          simple schedule to efficiently utilize                          your time while incorporating you                          into my routine.                              (she hands him a                               schedule)                         As you can see, my day begins with                          meditation and yoga from 6:30 to                          7:00.               She moves in close to him, making Leopold uncomfortable.                                     KATE                         YOU will arise at 6:45, shower and                          change and at 7:15, we breakfast                          together. 7:45 we begin the days                          work. At 10:45 Dr. Kau arrives to                          observe you in your natural routine                          as I research the data that will                          enable you to return home. At 1:15                          we lunch together. 2:15 you answer a                          daily questionnaire, I type up my                          notes. At precisely 6:15 you will                          enjoy 15 minutes of FREE TIME, then,                          at 6:30, I listen to Tom Brokaw while                          making dinner as YOU write down any                          questions that come up during your                          day. At 7:00, we dine together. If                          you need me at any time you may ring                          this bell.               She rings a tiny dinner bell. He is about to speak.                                     KATE                         Now, Mondays and Wednesdays I have                          computer science class, Tuesdays I                          have therapy. IF I have a date, I'm                          usually home by 9:15. During these                          periods you may read any of the books                          I've picked out for you in your room.                          I organize my next days work at 10:30,                          11:35, David Letterman, 12:40 I'm in                          bed.                              (she takes a breath,                               smiles at him)                         Next day we begin again. Simple?                                     LEOPOLD                              (after a beat, with                               great dignity)                         ...At what time shall I WEE and POOH?               Kate is forced into a stunned silence.                                     CHARLIE'S VOICE                         Kate? I'm home.                                     KATE                         Oh. Yes. Our chaperone is here.                                     LEOPOLD                         Your father?                                     KATE                         Sort of. My brother.                                     LEOPOLD                         Visiting?                                     KATE                         For the past two years. Charlie can                          never know about this project. We'll                          tell him you are a... overly                          distinguished colleague staying here                          as our guest. From Canada. Which                          would explain your lack of familiarity                          with our customs and so forth                                     LEOPOLD                              (aghast)                         A CANADIAN?                                     KATE                         Make yourself comfortable. I'll check                          in on you later. I think this is                          going very well, don't you?               Leopold looks at her blankly.                                     KATE                         Okay. If you need anything, just                          ring.               Kate tinkles the bell, fumbles for the knob and heads out.                P.O.V. still on Leopold.                                     KATE (V.O.)                              (shouting)                         Charlie!               Leopold reacts.                                     CHARLIE (V.O.)                              (screaming just as                               loud)                         What?                                     KATE                              (still shouting)                         Come here I wanna talk to you.               Leopold listens at the door. He slowly opens it, takes two                steps out, peers around the corner, then quickly steps back                in. He takes a DEEP FRIGHTENED BREATH and slowly deflates.               INT. CHARLIE'S STUDIO - MORNING               Charlie sits on the couch smoking a cigarette surrounded by                his paintings. He is a likable twentysomething with a big                mouth.                                     CHARLIE                         What did I do?                                     KATE                              (removing his coffee                               from the table,                               setting it on a                               coaster)                         RINGS! And what did I say about you                          smoking in the house?                                     CHARLIE                         You were against it.                                     KATE                         Correct. You're back early.                              (She takes away his                               cigarette)                                     CHARLIE                         Hey!... Are you all right? You look                          funny.                                     KATE                         Funny ha ha or funny odd?                                     CHARLIE                         Both.                                     KATE                         That all depends. How was your trip?                                     CHARLIE                         Why?                                     KATE                         If it was good I'll tell you the                          truth. If it was rotten I'll have to                          butter you up first.                                     CHARLIE                         Butter me up.                                     KATE                         Have you been working out? No, I'm                          really starting to see results. Are                          you comfortable there on the couch?                                     CHARLIE                         Very.                                     KATE                         Good. Cause you'll be sleeping there                          the next few nights.                                     CHARLIE                         Kate!                                     KATE                         You have to be out of here by 8 and                          you can't be back before 6. We have                          an important man working with us                          with very unusual needs. The company                          is insisting he stay here.                                     CHARLIE                         What about a hotel?                                     KATE                         This man requires around the clock                          attention.                                     CHARLIE                         I meant for me.                                     KATE                         Thank you, Charlie.                              (she kisses his                               forehead)                         I owe you one.                                     CHARLIE                         You owe me nine. What am I supposed                          to do all day?                                     KATE                              (as if having an                               epiphany)                         You could get a job!                                     CHARLIE                         Kate, the entire point of being an                          artist is that I don't have to work.                          Who is this guy?                                     KATE                         Well, I can't tell you much because...                                     KATE AND CHARLIE                         I'm not allowed to discuss what goes                          on at the office.                                     KATE                         Well I'm not. Anyway, it might be                          interesting to have someone else to                          talk to. It gets so quiet around                          here sometimes I feel like I've gone                          deaf.                                     CHARLIE                         Does he have a label?                                     KATE                         Leopold.                                     CHARLIE                         LEOPOLD? Is he anything like his                          name?                                     KATE                         He's exactly like his name.                                     CHARLIE                         Then you owe me ten.               INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY               Leopold PEEKS around the entrance to the living room.                Confident it's unoccupied, he majestically walks inside: Up                to date gadgetry, Charlie's modern art work, bright                fashionable furniture. Leopold recoils. His eyes come to                rest on the television set. The ON OFF buttons loom large.                He looks around the room then brazenly presses the button                ON.               Instantly, REGIS and KATHY LEE loudly berate each other before                an excited crowd.               Leopold jumps back several feet, hands flailing in front of                him as if shooing away a bee. He quickly, yet cautiously,                slams the power OFF.                                     LEOPOLD                         Horrible!               He quickly scurries out the hallway.               He stops abruptly. He remains very still. Composing himself,                he turns and deliberately faces the room. After a moment, he                purposefully steps back inside.               He makes a large ARC around the television set, is confronted                by one of Charlie's sculptures and makes an ARC around that.                He finds himself in front of a light switch and gingerly                examines it. As he does, track lighting ILLUMINATES the room.               He looks at the lights then back at the switch. He flicks                the lights ON and OFF, trying to figure out the precise moment                in the transfer of power, laughing in spite of himself.               Kate and Charlie enter. They watch Leopold flicking the                lights, laughing like a madman. Charlie gives Kate a look.                                     KATE                              (explaining)                         He's from Canada...               INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT               Leopold sits at the head of the table, Kate and Charlie                banished to either side. Leopold chews his dinner incessantly.                                     LEOPOLD                              (finally)                         What is this?                                     KATE                         It's called Hamburger Helper.                                     LEOPOLD                         It is beyond help. Please serve the                          next course.               He pushes his plate away.                                     KATE                         I'm afraid there is no next course.                          If you make a list of the foods you                          like, I'll pick them up at the store                          for you.                                     LEOPOLD                         Is all food here this... textured?                                     CHARLIE                         Mine's good.                                     LEOPOLD                         Please understand, I am used to a                          different sort of preparation. Where                          I come from a proper meal is the                          result of reflection and study. A                          recipe is merely a theme which an                          intelligent cook can plan each time                          with variation.               Charlie gives Kate a look.                                     LEOPOLD                         Several courses are served. Menus                          are often prepared days in advance,                          timed to perfection. It is said,                          without the culinary art, the                          crudeness of reality would make life                          unbearable.                                     CHARLIE                         In Canada?                                     LEOPOLD                              (after a beat. Firmly)                         In Canada.                                     CHARLIE                         We have a saying here. "Shake and                          shake the catsup bottle, none will                          come and then a lot'll."               He pours catsup on his dinner.                                     LEOPOLD                         How interesting.                                     CHARLIE                         Since you're such an expert on fine                          cuisine, why don't you make dinner                          tomorrow night?                                     LEOPOLD                         It should be obvious to you that I                          am NOT a domestic. You may take my                          plate.                                     CHARLIE                         I have my own, thank you.                                     KATE                         Charlie...                                     CHARLIE                         Who died and made me Cinderella?                                     LEOPOLD                         Young man, there is a distinct                          impertinence to your voice.                                     CHARLIE                         It's part of my charm.                                     LEOPOLD                         Suppress it.                                     KATE                              (changing the subject)                         Leopold... Since you're our guest                          here, there are several cultural                          events you might enjoy seeing. Charlie                          has season tickets to the ball game.                          Perhaps you'd like to take that in?                                     LEOPOLD                         What is it?                                     CHARLIE                         What is it??                                     KATE                         Or the Opera or the Ballet?                                     CHARLIE                         What is it??                                     KATE                         Charlie, there's no rule that says                          everyone has to be interested in                          baseball.                                     CHARLIE                         No, but I believe there is a rule                          that says everyone has to have HEARD                          of it.                                     LEOPOLD                         Dr. Coles, your brother Charles                          attitude and demeanor are                          unacceptable. If I am to stay on                          here you must have a serious talk                          with him regarding respect and                          civility.                                     KATE                         CHARLES, could you help me with the                          dessert in the kitchen?                                     CHARLIE                         In the kitchen?                                     KATE                         IN the kitchen. Excuse us.               Kate and Charlie leave. The camera remains on Leopold, sitting                alone, calmly sipping his wine. VOICE OVER FROM THE KITCHEN:                                     CHARLIE                         I don't believe this guy!                                     KATE                         Try to be nice to him.                                     CHARLIE                         I'm always NICE!                                     KATE                         Please Charlie, as a favor to me.                                     CHARLIE                         He gives me the creeps.               Leopold reacts. He listens self-consciously.                                     KATE                         He's different that's all.                                     CHARLIE                         What was that crack about domestics?                                     KATE                         Charlie, this is important to me.                                     CHARLIE                         You're not going out with him, are                          you?                                     KATE                         Eeuuu! I may be desperate but I'm                          not a lost cause.                                     CHARLIE                         Kate, this is me. I've seen the guys                          you bring home.                                     KATE                         I've done countless favors for you!                          Now I'm asking for just one little                          thing...                                     CHARLIE                              (overlapping)                         Oh, all right! All right! All right!               They emerge from the kitchen, beaming.                                     KATE                              (after a beat)                         We forgot the dessert.                                     CHARLIE                         You know,... I don't know if I                          mentioned it... but that is one fine                          looking suit.               INT. KATE'S BEDROOM - 6:30 A. M.               Radio alarm clock -- 7:45 a.m. Louis Armstrong begins to                sing, "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off." Dressed in yoga                clothes Kate sits on her bed in the lotus position. She bangs                the gong and closes her eyes. A bell rings. Kate flinches                but does not open her eyes.                                     KATE                              (too sweetly)                         What is it, Leopold?               The bell rings louder, interrupting Kate's routine.                                     KATE                              (eyes closed, screaming                               like a fishwife)                         WHAT IS IT, LEOPOLD?!               Leopold's bell rings with determination. Kate is off the bed                and out of the room.               INT. KITCHEN - MORNING               Kate enters and stops short. Leopold sits at the table ringing                a BELL. The dishwasher is open and SPRAYING WILDLY, the                blender has spread breakfast shake EVERYWHERE, water is                BOILING OVER on the stove, refrigerator, freezer, and every                cupboard door is OPEN. Garbage disposal runs FULL BLAST.                                     LEOPOLD                              (calmly amidst the                               chaos)                         I cannot seem to find the tea...               CLOSE UP: Leopold's hand rings a bell with irritation.               INT. CHARLIE'S BEDROOM - EVENING               Leopold, Kate, and Charlie stand in front of Charlie's open                closet. Leopold selects clothes from Charlie's wardrobe.                                     LEOPOLD                         No... No... No. Good God, no!...                          Perhaps...               He tosses them aside carelessly as Charlie seethes.               CLOSE UP: Leopold rings his bell.               INT. HALLWAY - EARLY MORNING               Kate and Charlie form a line to the bathroom. Kate checks                her schedule and bangs on the door.                                     KATE                         Leopold, your time is up! What's he                          got, a girl in there?               INT. BATHROOM - EARLY MORNING               Leopold Luxuriates in the bathtub wearing a "Whitecap"                marveling at the whirlpool and the instant hot water. He                picks up a can of shaving cream and inspects it in wonder.                It SPRAYS.               CLOSE UP: Leopold rings his bell. Nothing happens. He                discovers the clapper has been stolen.               INT. KATE'S STUDY - AFTERNOON               Kate types, talks and researches simultaneously. She looks                up and stops suddenly.               Leopold appears wearing MANY oddly assorted layers of                Charlie's clothes, a bandanna bow tie, Irish woolen cap,                bicycle gloves, aluminum baseball bat walking stick. He poses                foppishly.                                     LEOPOLD                         I should like to read about modern                          currency during my bath tonight. See                          that the tub and basin are scrubbed                          up. Remnants remain of this afternoons                          shave.               Kate nods at him stupefied. Due to the many layers of                clothing, he imperiously leaves the room walking as if wearing                skis.               INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT               Leopold rings a BIG NEW COWBELL. No one responds.               INT. CHARLIE'S WORKROOM - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS)               He discovers Kate at her computer, Charlie reading a book.                Each are wearing a walkman.               He stands in front of them and rings his cowbell furiously                until they look up.               INT. STUDY - DAY               Leopold studies his questionnaire, Kate researches Victorian                customs. They simultaneously look up and gaze at the other.                A beat.               Embarrassed, Kate dons her glasses and Leopold shuffles                papers. They look up again. Then down. Then get back to work.               INT. KATE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT               Kate sits on her bed with her laptop watching David Letterman.                She glances up, laughs out loud. She looks at the dark empty                room. No one is there to share it with. Closing her computer,                she holds her pillow close to her. She slowly moves to the                window and looks out.               INT. LEOPOLD'S BEDROOM - NIGHT               A text book with Leopold's picture inside. Leopold reads the                brief summary of his life with heartbreaking astonishment.                He moves to the window and looks out.               EXT. N.Y.C. APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT               Kate and Leopold gaze out of their windows. The camera slowly                pulls back until they are swallowed up by the city.               INT. KATE'S STUDY - AFTERNOON               Kate scans her notes as Leopold paces dully about the room.                                     KATE                         In our last session you intimated                          there was a symmetrical system                          regulating the social order of                          conformity spanning your era. I found                          this particularly intriguing If I                          can just find it in my notes...               A fire engine races by. Leopold dashes to the window then                turns back, excited.                                     LEOPOLD                         The fire brigade!               Kate stares at him blankly. She munches RICE CAKES and drinks                water FROM THE BOTTLE. A beat. She returns to her notes.                                     LEOPOLD                         This is insufferable! I refuse to be                          spied upon, skipped over, or shuffled                          about any longer. I have yet to                          venture outside this cell. Before I                          go mad a more suitable arrangement                          must be found.                                     KATE                         Found it.                                     LEOPOLD                              (startled)                         A resolution?                                     KATE                         No I meant I found my notes.                                     LEOPOLD                         Dr. Coles! Changes are in order.                                     KATE                         I can hear you.                                     LEOPOLD                              (under control now)                         Miss Coles, as we are to remain here                          together, there are certain conditions                          I insist are met and maintained. I                          no longer wish to be peeped at,                          mocked...                                     KATE                         I never...                                     LEOPOLD                              (calmly)                         Or interrupted. Jot this down.                          Breakfast at 12. Luncheon at 4. Diner                          at 8. A horse should be made available                          from 1 to 3.                                     KATE                         A horse? In New York City?                                     LEOPOLD                         Yes. Also, I feel very strongly about                          your style of dress. I do not care                          for it.                              (Kate looks up)                         I cannot believe it is the prevailing                          taste for women to appear masculine                          and unkempt. If this is the fashion,                          have it altered.               Kate rises.                                     LEOPOLD                         That is all for the present.               He grandly hands her a napkin.                                     LEOPOLD                         CRUMBS, my dear!                                     KATE                              (infuriated)                         Thank you!               Brushing herself off, she heads to the door.                                     LEOPOLD                         Dr. Coles. I have been acquainted                          with many women in my time, yet I am                          compelled to say that the modern                          woman is by far the least attractive                          I have ever encountered.                                     KATE                              (rising to the occasion)                         And I have a news flash of my own.               Leopold waits.                                     KATE                         You sir, are no Ronald Coleman!               She storms out.               INT. LAB - EARLY MORNING               Dr. Drake enters Dr. Kau's office with two pints of Haagen                Dazs.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Dough                          Swirl or Peach?                                     DR. KAU                         Peach.               They dig in.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Any luck?                                     DR. KAU                         Yea. Lots of luck. All bad. No                          information exists detailing what                          happened to Carlson. I've been working                          for weeks and I'm not any closer                          than when I began... How are you                          doing?                                     DR. DRAKE                         My cholesterol level is up 70 points.               Kate enters, exhausted, deposits an armful of papers on Dr.                Drake's desk. Kate has pencils tucked behind her ear, through                her hair, and in her mouth.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Thank you, Kate... How're you managing                          with Leopold?                                     KATE                         Fine. Fine... Why? What did you hear?                                     DR. DRAKE                         Nothing. I was just asking.                                     KATE                         Oh. Well, it's fine. He's a delight.                          Everything's under control.                                     DR. KAU                         Keep up the good work.                              (after she's gone)                         She seemed a little scattered. Do                          you think everything's all right?                                     DR. DRAKE                         Katherine Coles is the most capable                          person we have on this project. If                          anyone can handle the delicacy of                          this situation, Kate can.                                     DR. KAU                         So there's nothing to worry about?                                     DR. DRAKE                         Absolutely not.               INT. CHARLIE'S STUDIO - EARLY EVENING                                     KATE                         GONE? GONE WHERE?!                              (Charlie shrugs)                         Charlie we've got to find him!                                     CHARLIE                              (working on a VERY                               STERN portrait of                               Kate at her computer)                         Are you crazy? This is the first                          time all week my eyes aren't darting                          to the top of my sockets every five                          minutes.                                     KATE                         When did he leave?                                     CHARLIE                         I don't know. An hour ago? He said                          he wanted to take a walk.                                     KATE                         And you let him?? He's not allowed                          to go outside!                                     CHARLIE                         Is he being punished?                                     KATE                         We've got to find him! You stay here                          in case he finds his way back. And                          while you wait you'd better pray                          he's all right. If anything happens                          to him, anything at all, EVERYTHING                          we've worked for will have been                          destroyed.               She heads out the door. Charlie follows.               INT. LIVING ROOM - EARLY EVENING                                     CHARLIE                         Kate, calm down.                                     KATE                         And YOU'LL be responsible. Understand?                              (she grabs her coat                               and purse)                                     CHARLIE                         What's the big deal? Who is this                          guy?               Kate takes a LONG pause.                                     KATE                         Leopold... is not really from Canada.               EXT. KATE'S APARTMENT BUILDING - LATE AFTERNOON               Peaceful. The sun sets. Pigeons rest on window sills.                Suddenly:                                     CHARLIE (V.O.)                         OH MY GOD!!!               The pigeons take flight.               EXT. CENTRAL PARK - EVENING               Leopold leaves Central Park profoundly lost. Looking both                ways in the wrong direction, he crosses the street. SCREECHING                brakes, HONKING horns, FURIOUS shouts with Leopold, horrified,                caught in the middle. He makes it across shaking and dazed.                A motorist pulls along side of him.                                     WOMAN MOTORIST                         You stupid fucking son of a bitch.                          Next time I'll hit ya. Fucking moron.               Leopold GAPES, appalled. A Hansom carriage slowly treads                into Central Park. Leopold watches until it disappears.               INT. KATE'S GREEN A.M.C. PACER - NIGHT               Kate drives slowly, searching for Leopold. Cars honk with                mounting anger.                                     CABBY                         What're ya waiting for lady? An                          invitation?                                     KATE                         I'm sorry! I'm sorry!               She continues searching, trying hard to remain calm.               EXT. TIMES SQUARE - NIGHT               Huge buildings. Neon lights flashing. Garbage in bundles.                Calvin Klein Ads. In the center of it all, Leopold, jostled                BADLY by the crowd, tipping his hat to all the ladies. He                enters a deli.               INT. DELI - NIGHT               Leopold, appalled by the prices searches for money. He has                none.                                     LEOPOLD                              (to the counter man)                         $7.95 for a sandwich? Is that correct?                                     COUNTER MAN                         You gotta problem with that?                                     LEOPOLD                         It seems rather pricey to me.                                     COUNTER MAN                         So don't buy one.                                     LEOPOLD                         I shan't.                                     COUNTER MAN                         So shan't!               He moves on.                                     LEOPOLD                         Yes, I... I would be happy to sample                          one however I'm afraid I haven't the                          finance with me just now. If I could                          establish a credit with you, I will                          have someone come round with the                          funds tomorrow.                                     COUNTER MAN                         You will gladly pay me Tuesday for a                          hamburger today, is that it?                                     LEOPOLD                              (a little confused)                         I believe so. Yes.                                     COUNTER MAN                         Get the fuck outta here.                                     LEOPOLD                         I beg your pardon?                                     COUNTER MAN                         Get out. Fuckin' Wimpys piss me off.                                     LEOPOLD                         May I remind you, merchant, that I                          am the customer in this establishment                          and as such require your attention                          and the utmost respect. I do not                          accept this modern convention of                          desecrating one's patrons with such                          contemptuous disregard.                                     YUPPIE WOMAN                         You tell him.                                     LEOPOLD                         Need I add that without our patronage                          you would not own that unwashed                          counter behind which you spew your                          filthy mouth?                                     COUNTER MAN                         Where do you get off? You don't even                          have any money.                                     LEOPOLD                         Don't be irrelevant... I'm browsing.                                     COUNTER MAN                         Not in my store you're not.               He comes out from behind the counter. He's big.                                     LEOPOLD                              (very superior)                         Do you intend to physically escort                          me out...?               EXT. STREET - NIGHT               Leopold is thrown out of the store and on to the street.                                     LEOPOLD                         Did you see what he did? Did you see                          that?               No one responds. Leopold is left sprawled on the street.                Thunder is heard.               EXT. N.Y.C. - NIGHT               Gargoyles at New York City Library, The Dakota, the Bowery,                Alphabet City.               EXT. CLAIRMOUNT STABLES - 4 A.M.               Pouring rain. Leopold stands in front of the stables beaten                and drenched. A car drives by, screeches to a stop, and                hastily backs up along side Leopold.                                     KATE                         Leopold! Leopold, get in.               Leopold stares at the car. Kate runs out, opens the door and                helps him in. She dashes back into the drivers seat.               INT. CAR - 4 A.M.                                     KATE                              (nearly in tears,                               trying to dry him                               off)                         Leopold! Oh, Leopold thank God you're                          all right. I didn't think I'd ever                          find you. You had us all so worried.                          Oh, Leopold!               She hits him hard.                                     KATE                         Don't you ever go out again without                          my permission, do you hear me? I was                          frantic. You could have been killed                          a hundred times over. I never would                          have known.               She rests her head on the steering wheel, exhausted. She                pulls herself together and looks at him.                                     KATE                         Leopold, are you all right?                                     LEOPOLD                              (looking deep into                               her eyes for the                               first time)                         I wish to go home.                                     KATE                         Okay. I'll get you home in a jiffy.                                     LEOPOLD                              (badly shaken)                         No... I wish to go home.               Kate gently observes Leopold who stares rigidly straight                ahead.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                                     CHARLIE                              (on the phone)                         I don't know. It's just Leopold.                          Like Cher. Or Goofy.               Kate and Leopold walk in wet and exhausted.                                     CHARLIE                         Never mind they just walked in. Jesus.                          You look horrible.                                     KATE                         Charlie, don't start. I haven't been                          this angry at you since you got me                          into that pyramid thing last year.                          If you make a wisecrack I'm going to                          burst into flame.                                     CHARLIE                         It wasn't a wisecrack. You do look                          horrible.                                     KATE                         I'm too tired for this now. I'll                          just save it up and kill you tomorrow.                          Help Leopold out of his things and                          lets get him to bed.                                     LEOPOLD                         I've something to say. To the both                          of you. I... Nothing is what it seems.                          After witnessing mere weeks of this                          age it is painfully apparent I am                          outside of my acquaintance... I don't                          know how to proceed. I frankly... am                          in need of assistance. I'm sorry.                          I'm not very good at this. In the                          event you have missed it, I am                          apologizing.               There is a long pause.                                     CHARLIE                         About time.                              (he shakes Leopold's                               hand reluctantly)                         Welcome back.                              (he leaves)                                     KATE                         Don't mind him. His heart would be                          in the right place if he had a heart.                          Surliness runs in my family.                                     LEOPOLD                         I understand. It practically races                          through mine.                                     KATE                              (shocked)                         Leopold, you made a joke. I mean one                          that's not at my expense. That's                          good.               They look at each other just a second too long.                                     LEOPOLD                         We'd better get to bed... That is...                                     KATE                         Yes... I start work...                              (she looks at her                               watch)                         in three and a half hours.                                     LEOPOLD                         Oh, dear.               They self-consciously head to their respective rooms.                                     KATE                         It's fine. I'm used to it.                                     LEOPOLD                         You mustn't get too used to it. You'll                          find life passes you by awfully                          quickly.               Kate is struck by his vulnerability for the first time and                is moved. She catches herself quickly however.                                     LEOPOLD                         Thank you for...                                     KATE                              (waving it away)                         Oh!               They stand at their bedroom doors.                                     LEOPOLD                         Well, goodnight then.                                     KATE                         Leopold?... I don't have a clear                          handle on this. Perhaps I was wrong                          keeping you confined to the apartment                          all this time. I don't know when                          you'll be able return home... Tomorrow                          I'll start preparing you for the                          outside world. And... We'll find                          your way back. I promise.               Leopold smiles, still shaken. A beat. They slowly close the                doors to their respective rooms.               INT. HALLWAY - BRIGHT SUNNY MORNING               Leopold, dressed for an outing knocks on Kate's bedroom door.                                     KATE (V.O.)                         Yes?               Leopold enters. Kate stands in a slip calmly looking at                Leopold. Leopold immediately turns, facing the door.                                     LEOPOLD                         Oh! I beg your pardon. I, I, I, was                          merely... I didn't...                                     KATE                         Is there something you want, Leopold?                                     LEOPOLD                         I merely wanted to see... that is,                          inquire, on your availability, for                          an outing... My assimilation and so                          forth.                                     KATE                         Yes, we have a lot of work ahead of                          us. I'll be out in a minute.                                     LEOPOLD                         Yes, of course. Splendid.               He reaches around behind his back and fumbles for the knob.                He finally finds it and goes out.               Kate smiles.                                                                    CUT TO:               EXT. N.Y.C. - DAY               the Brooklyn Bridge, the Chrysler Building, Rockefeller                Center, 5th Avenue.               EXT. 5TH AVENUE - DAY               Kate and Leopold exit The Gap. Leopold awkwardly wears hip                Gap casual clothes, a baseball cap on his head.                                     LEOPOLD                         Are you certain this is correct?               Kate places the cap backwards on his head. She nods                approvingly.                                     KATE                         Certainly I'm certain.               Leopold watches himself in store windows. He CAN'T comprehend                it. Kate leads him into Barney's.               INT. BARNEY'S - DAY               Leopold stands before the mirror wearing a classic dark suit.                He looks FANTASTIC. A fact that is not lost on Kate.                                     LEOPOLD                         Now really. Isn't this better?               Kate nods back begrudgingly, her breath taken away.               EXT. N.Y.C. - DAY               Lincoln Center, Columbus Circle, Gristedes.               INT. GRISTEDES MARKET - DAY               Kate selects a shopping cart, begins to push it.                                     LEOPOLD                         Allow me.               Kate walks ahead. Leopold, maneuvering a cart with a broken                wheel, hasn't the knack and bangs into everyone and everything                in the aisle.                                     LEOPOLD                         Sorry. Oops! Careful there. So sorry.                                                                    CUT TO:               CLOSE UPS: Leopold scrutinizing vegetables in cans, cereals                for kids, bottled water, instant soup, feminine hygiene                supplies.                                                                    CUT TO:               The check out line. As their groceries are being rung up,                Leopold spots The Sun, a newspaper with the headline: Woman                Sees Satan in her Microwave Oven. Leopold eagerly shows Kate.                                     LEOPOLD                         Have you seen today's paper?                                     KATE                         Put it back.                                     LEOPOLD                         But...                                     KATE                         Back!               Leopold reads the paper totally enthralled.               EXT. STREET - DAY               Kate and Leopold walk down the street, a bag in each arm.                Leopold eyes Kate suspiciously.                                     LEOPOLD                         Dr. Coles, why is it you are not                          married?                                     KATE                         Women are longer defined by the men                          they're married to, Leopold. I have                          a career. I haven't found a man who                          fits in with that yet.                                     LEOPOLD                         Yet people still marry?                                     KATE                              (defensively)                         I've heard of cases.               They continue to walk, Leopold noticeably studies Kate.                Finally:                                     LEOPOLD                         I suspect there is something wrong                          with you.                                     KATE                         There's nothing wrong with me!                                     LEOPOLD                         Perhaps it is the way you present                          yourself.                                     KATE                         I don't know what you're talking                          about.                                     LEOPOLD                         There is some sort of problem when a                          woman reaches thirty and insists on                          remaining single.                                     KATE                         You think I'm THIRTY?!                                     LEOPOLD                         What?                                     KATE                         Do I look THIRTY to you?                                     LEOPOLD                         It was an arbitrary number.                                     KATE                         You chose it specifically opposed to                          a lower number.                                     LEOPOLD                         I didn't mean it.                                     KATE                         ...Thirty!                                     LEOPOLD                         I apologize... How old are you?                                     KATE                              (sharply)                         I'm thirty! But you're the first                          person whoever told me I looked it!                                     LEOPOLD                         I'm sorry.               Leopold spots a formal dress in a store window. He takes a                good long look at Kate, smiles, then quickly walks inside.                Kate continues down the block.                                     KATE                         And it's not that I insist on                          remaining single. Believe me. Everyone                          dreams of finding somebody to share                          their life with. To give someone all                          the love they've been hoarding since                          they were a kid. I'm no different.                          But one has to be sensible. I have a                          career and a life that's filled                          with...               She looks around. Leopold is gone.                                     KATE                         Not again...               She starts off down the street, stops, and enters ROBERTA'S,                an upscale boutique.               INT. ROBERTA'S - DAY               Kate races in. Leopold talks with a saleslady.                                     KATE                         What do I have to do? Put a leash                          around your neck?                                     LEOPOLD                              (to the saleslady)                         She is the woman to whom I was                          referring. You see the problem?                                     SALESLADY                              (giving Kate the once                               over)                         Yep.                                     KATE                              (staring down at her                               clothes then back at                               the two of them)                         What?... What?               INT. ROBERTA'S - DAY               From behind the dressing room door, Kate shouts to the others                with irritation.                                     KATE                         This is ridiculous. I don't have                          time to...                              (she shrieks)                         Do you know what this dress costs?                          Let's get this over with. I'm coming                          out. Nobody laugh.               Kate leaves the dressing room in a huff COMPLETELY UNAWARE                that she is STUNNING.                                     KATE                         Satisfied?               Leopold and the saleslady stare at her with pleasure.                                     KATE                         ...What?               She turns and looks at herself in the mirror. Leopold stands                behind her, pulls back her hair, brushes away her bangs.                                     LEOPOLD                         You have a lovely face.               Even Kate cannot deny that she is lovely. She stares at                herself for a long while.                                     LEOPOLD                              (quietly)                         We'll take the dress.               They become aware of their close proximity. They nervously                part.               INT. LIVING ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON               Kate sits Leopold down on the sofa. She turns on the TV and                hands him the remote control.                                     LEOPOLD                         What is this?                                     KATE                         The drug of the 20th century.               She aims the remote at the TV, changing channels. He's                spellbound.               INT. DINING ROOM - EARLY EVENING               Dinner is served. Kate waits patiently for Leopold who sits                on the sofa watching the TV.                                     KATE                         Leopold, your dinner's getting cold.                                     LEOPOLD                         I'm coming.               He does not move a muscle.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               Kate and Leopold sit on the sofa eating their dinner and                watching TV. On the screen, a Looney Tune. Leopold enjoys                this especially. Kate reaches for the remote but Leopold                grabs it territorially, refusing to relinquish it.                                     KATE                              (making notes)                         It's a guy thing.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               Leopold asleep on the sofa still clutching the remote control.                Kate comes in with a blanket and settles it over Leopold.                She glances around the room, then slowly bends down close to                capture a better look at his face.               After a moment she catches herself, takes herself in hand                and sits down at her computer. She opens her notes and types.                Her fingers slow down to a crawl and come to a stop. She                looks up at Leopold lost in thought. She smiles.               Reaching for a soda, she accidentally knocks a picture to                the floor. In a SMASHED frame, Kate and CARLSON drunkenly                mug for the camera. Kate pales noticeably.               She looks from the picture to Leopold. Slowly, she begins                pecking away at the keys. She does not look up again.               INT. LAB - LATE AFTERNOON               Kate gives Leopold a tour of the lab stopping by Dr. Drakes                area. Hidden behind chalk boards, calculator paper, and                several empty Haagen Dazs containers, Dr. Drake searches for                solutions.                                     KATE                         ...Now within that astronomical                          structure, Dr. Drake here is searching                          for a pathway between your time and                          the present. He'll find it too if                          his arteries don't harden first.                                     LEOPOLD                         Astounding.                                     KATE                         Once that is discovered, the search                          begins for the exact time and date                          travel will be possible.               They move to Dr. Kau's area.                                     LEOPOLD                              (to Dr. Kau)                         How are you proceeding?               Dr. Kau merely grunts. Leopold looks at Kate.                                     KATE                         Don't take it personally. Once Dr.                          Kau starts working, you just have to                          wait until her batteries run down.                          We're all pretty much like that.               They head into Kate's office.               INT. KATE'S OFFICE - DAY               Kate gathers her belongings, Leopold snoops at her notes.                                     LEOPOLD                         The complexity of this equation is                          astonishing? Can you really comprehend                          all that?                                     KATE                              (simply. Almost                               apologetically)                         I'm a genius.                                     LEOPOLD                         You're quite exceptional Dr. Coles.                              (a beat)                         That is to say, you all are.                                     KATE                         Thank you. And may I say that                          sometimes, in DIM light, you're not                          so bad yourself.               They stand together, Leopold grinning sheepishly.                                     KATE                         Oh my God! Is that the time? I'm                          late. Therapy. Every Tuesday night.                                     LEOPOLD                         May I accompany you?                                     KATE                         You mayn't.                                     LEOPOLD                         I am not certain I understand therapy.                                     KATE                         No one does. That's why therapists                          can charge so much.               As she gathers her belongings, Leopold spots a very high                heeled red shoe in Kate's bag.                                     LEOPOLD                         What exactly transpires during                          therapy?                                     KATE                         Leopold. A gentleman does not ask                          those questions. Come on, we'll get                          you home.                                     LEOPOLD                         I am perfectly able to travel homeward                          myself.               Kate looks at him skeptically.                                     LEOPOLD                         Really! I have finance and our                          address. I shall take a cabbie.               Kate hesitates.                                     LEOPOLD                         You are late. I insist. I am NOT a                          child. Dr. Coles.                                     KATE                         All right. Don't bite my head off.               She shakes her head and walks out the door.               EXT. N.Y.C. STREET - LATE AFTERNOON               Kate heads down the stairs of a subway station. A few feet                behind, Leopold cautiously follows.               INT. SUBWAY STATION - RUSH HOUR               Kate waits in line at the turnstile. Leopold, a ways back,                grimaces noticeably at the smell.               Kate heads through. Leopold follows banging painfully into                the bar. A NUN hurriedly bumps into him from behind.               He tries pushing the bar but it doesn't budge. He turns around                to step out of line but it is already too long. He stands                NOSE to NOSE with the nun.                                     LEOPOLD                         I can't seem to...                                     NUN                              (impatiently)                         Oh, for heaven's sake...               The nun deposits her token and SQUEEZES them both through as                the train arrives at a deafening pitch, startling Leopold.               He spots Kate entering the train and jumps into the car in                the nick of time. The train departs, Leopold pressed awkwardly                against the glass.               EXT. N.Y.C. STREET - EARLY EVENING               Kate races from the subway station, entering the Arthur Murray                Dance Studio. Leopold, thoroughly disheveled, follows at a                distance.               INT. DANCE STUDIO - EVENING               Elderly Blue haired couples chat amongst themselves, men on                the right, women on the left. Kate, in dance clothes, out of                breath, stumbles in, making a b-line for the women's side.                                     MRS. PINCUS                         I was worried. I thought you weren't                          going to make it.                                     KATE                              (smiling happily)                         Miss my lesson? This is the only                          thing I have to look forward to all                          week. Is that a new dress Mrs. Pincus?               Mrs. Pincus executes a fancy spin, proudly showing off her                purchase. Across the room, MR. Pincus beams in anticipation.               An elderly, overly made up dance instructor enters. She claps                her hands together loudly.                                     INSTRUCTOR                         All right, kids. Pair up!               The men slick back their hair. The women straighten their                gowns. Kate stands to the side, self-consciously studying                the floor.               The men take their places on the dance floor. They flick                their hand twice, inviting their women to dance. Cooly,                elegantly, the women approach their partners. After a while                Kate looks up, relieved. She stands alone. Ballroom music                plays.               The couples effortlessly shift between steps and turns. Kate                dances with an imaginary partner, stumbling, more than a                beat behind, counting, animated, a concentrated YEARNING                look spread across her face.               The instructor approaches with a look of resignation.                                     INSTRUCTOR                         Don't think so much, Katie. FEEL the                          music.                                     KATE                              (sweating)                         I am!                                     INSTRUCTOR                         Dancing should not be work. It should                          be a vacation the body takes from                          the mind. Let the music wash over                          you.                                     KATE                              (frustrated)                         It is!                                     INSTRUCTOR                         Repeat after me: I've got the muusic                          in me.                                     KATE                         I've got the muusic in me.                                     INSTRUCTOR & KATE                              (overlapping)                         I've got the muusic in me!                                     INSTRUCTOR                         Keep telling yourself that.               Kate does. Her instructor shakes her head and moves away.               Across the room, through the window, Leopold watches, moved.               LEOPOLD'S P.O.V. -- Over the music, beyond the swirling                couples, Kate remains in the corner, dancing with her                imaginary partner, fighting valiantly for the right steps,                muttering to herself, dancing alone.               INT. LAB - MORNING               Dr. Kau SLAMS a large book on Dr. Plodder's desk startling                him.                                     DR. KAU                         I've located her.                                     DR. PLODDER                         You didn't! Is she all right?                                     DR. KAU                         No. She's really not.               Photograph of a SWEATSHOP 1896. The conditions are APPALLING.                Positioned among the workers, Julia Carlson, thin, ragged,                worn out, stares helplessly into the camera.                                     DR. KAU                         It was taken a year after she arrived.                          Look at her face! We have to get her                          back.                                     DR. PLODDER                         Christine, this morning I spoke with                          the head of funding. They're talking                          about canceling the project.                                     DR. KAU                         What?! They can't do that!                                     DR. PLODDER                         There's still time. Nothing has                          happened yet that can't be undone.                          We'll get her back. We'll put this                          behind us and we'll get her back.               The doctors stare at the photograph. Powerless.                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. CHARLIE'S STUDIO - DAY               Charlie and Leopold work at their easels. Leopold sighs                HEAVILY.                                     CHARLIE                         Is there something on your mind?               There is a pause.                                     LEOPOLD                         This is rather difficult for me.                                     CHARLIE                         ...Uh huh...?                                     LEOPOLD                         I have been in the salon contemplating                          the reception I have received by the                          various tradesmen I have visited.                          I've determined I am lacking the                          dexterity of modern intercourse.                                     CHARLIE                         Of what??                                     LEOPOLD                         Social skills.                                     CHARLIE                         Oh.                                     LEOPOLD                         I realize our association has been                          rather distant and I bear you no ill                          will.                                     CHARLIE                         You can imagine my relief.                                     LEOPOLD                         The fact is... I need help.                                     CHARLIE                         Why not ask Kate?                                     LEOPOLD                         I would appreciate the masculine                          point of view.                                     CHARLIE                         Why not ask Kate?... That was a joke.               Leopold looks worried. Charlie puts down his brush.                                     CHARLIE                         Well? Let's see... I guess we could                          start by removing that great big                          stick from up your... Let's start                          with your walk.                                     LEOPOLD                         My walk?                                     CHARLIE                         You don't walk right.                              (gently)                         You strut.                                     LEOPOLD                              (very defensive)                         STRUT?                                     CHARLIE                         Strut strut strut. You walk into the                          bathroom it's like I'm watching a                          parade. Walk across the room.                                     LEOPOLD                         I will not.                                     CHARLIE                         I know you won't. You'll STRUT. You                          asked for my help. Trust me on this.               As Leopold struts across the room Charlie shakes his head                and spontaneously begins to hum Sousa's Stars and Stripes                March. Leopold becomes more and more agitated. As the song                crescendos:                                     LEOPOLD                         That's enough! Really! You walk.               Charlie hops up, casually walks around the room and begins                to hum a more relaxed version of Stars and Stripes.                                     CHARLIE                              (between choruses)                         See? Easy. Relaxed. You try.               Leopold begins humming the more casual version of the song                and mimics Charlie.                                     CHARLIE                         That's better. Now, try to enjoy                          your walk. It's a beautiful day. The                          sun is shining, the peasants are                          singing.               INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY               VOICE OVER: Charlie and Leopold joyously singing The Stars                and Stripes. As the song builds:               Charlie enters leading Leopold throughout the room. Leopold                matches Charlie EXACTLY step by step so tightly they appear                to be one person marching happily about.                                                                    CUT TO:               EXT. N.Y.C. - DAY               Chinatown, Little Italy, chess in Washington Square Park.               EXT. WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK - DAY               Leopold and Charlie explore the city. Leopold works diligently                on his walk. A beautiful woman walks by in a revealing outfit.                Charlie catches Leopold watching her and smiles broadly.                                     CHARLIE                         Interesting?               Leopold, caught leering, turns away sheepishly and smiles.                Charlie pats Leopold on the back. Stops. Pats his back again.                                     CHARLIE                         What the hell is that?                                     LEOPOLD                         What?                                     CHARLIE                         Leopold, are you wearing a corset?                                     LEOPOLD                         Naturally.               Cracking up, Charlie good-naturedly puts an arm around                Leopold's shoulder. Leopold attempts the same pulls away.               INT. BLOCKBUSTER RECORDS - NIGHT               With a headset on, Charlie listens to music. Leopold watches.                                     CHARLIE                         What'd ya say was the name of this                          number?                                     LEOPOLD                         Tchaikovsky. Waltz of the Flowers.                                     CHARLIE                              (deadpan)                         Pretty.               Charlie stops the music and places a headset over Leopold's                ears. Leopold watches calmly. Charlie selects a song.                Instantly, Leopold's shoulders rise up to his ears. His mouth                opens wide.                                     CHARLIE                         Megadeath. High Speed Dirt.               After a bit, Charlie turns the music off. Leopold's shoulders                go down but his mouth stays wide open. Astonished.               EXT. CENTRAL PARK - DAY               Charlie and Leopold walk through the park. A rubber softball                hits Leopold squarely on the head.                                     LEOPOLD                         What in the world...?               A couple race over. The man is BLACK. The woman is WHITE.                Their child, ELIZABETH, 7, follows wide eyed and apprehensive.                                     MAN                         Sorry! We're so sorry. Are you hurt?                                     WOMAN                         She's another Babe Ruth. We had no                          idea. Are you okay?               Leopold regards them curiously.                                     WOMAN                         What do you have to say for yourself,                          Elizabeth?                                     ELIZABETH                         I'm sorry!               Leopold stares hard at the modern familial scene. He doesn't                speak. After a long moment:                                     LEOPOLD                         Is this your child?                                     MAN                         Yes.               Charlie braces for the worst. The little girl stares at                Leopold.                                     LEOPOLD                         I see.                                     WOMAN                         C'mon honey, lets go.                                     ELIZABETH                         I want my ball.                                     LEOPOLD                         Just a moment!                              (bending down to                               Elizabeth, firmly)                         Pick a hand.               She picks his right hand. Nothing. She picks his left.                Nothing. Leopold looks surprised then pulls the ball from                his ear. She takes the ball and smiles at him.                                     LEOPOLD                         My mother's name was Elizabeth.                              (then to her parents)                         She's a beautiful child. You're very                          lucky.                                     MAN                         What do you say, Elizabeth?               Elizabeth makes an embarrassed face.                                     MAN                         Thank you.               Charlie and Leopold continue through the park, Leopold lost                in thought. Charlie watches him in surprise. They walk on.               INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT               Leopold talks animatedly. On the table -- Pumpkin pies, pizza                pies, and pot pies.                                     LEOPOLD                         I understand pumpkin pies, pizza                          pies, and pot pies. But I wish someone                          would explain Eskimo pies.               He eats a large spoonful of pudding. Kate and Charlie exchange                a worried look.                                     LEOPOLD                         You smoke Camel's, you wear Old                          Spices, and you drink Mountains Dew.                          It's revolting.                              (to Kate)                         The pudding tonight is excellent.                          Another thing I've noticed, everyone                          is in a great rush today. Instant                          Oatmeal, Instant Coffee, Speed Stick,                          Minute Maid. You'll find there's                          much to be said for moderation and                          languor.               He eats another spoonful.                                     LEOPOLD                         Mmmm. Is it tapioca?                                     KATE                         It's margarine.                                     LEOPOLD                              (taking the spoon out                               of his mouth)                         It's marvelous.                                     CHARLIE                         Well, I'm off.                                     KATE                         Me too. Work to do. Where are you                          going?                                     CHARLIE                         I'm meeting everyone over at Caffeine.                          It's this coffee house we go to.                                     KATE                         Say hello to Dennis for me.                                     LEOPOLD                         Who is that?                                     CHARLIE                         Dennis is this really good looking                          friend of mine who doesn't know Kate's                          alive because SHE doesn't know how                          to flirt.                                     KATE                         As a rule I don't like to associate                          with really good looking people. It                          makes me feel really... I don't                          know... Smart. But Dennis is a nice                          guy.                                     CHARLIE                         And he always picks up the check.                                     LEOPOLD                         Sounds enjoyable. I shall join you.                                     CHARLIE                         What?                                     KATE                         That's a wonderful idea! Leopold                          mentioned how he wanted to meet...                          People of quality was it?                                     CHARLIE                         Ahhhhh?                                     LEOPOLD                         If you'd rather I didn't go...                                     KATE                         Nonsense! Charlie, you don't want to                          hurt Leopold's feelings. He's going                          to think you don't want him to go.                                     CHARLIE                         Oh it's not that. It's just that                          it's sort of a vulgar crowd, is all.                          I'm not sure you'd have such a good                          time.                                     LEOPOLD                         A little ribald humor? I'm not as                          big a stick in the mud as you might                          think! I'd enjoy a gay night out,                          kicking up my heels.               There is an awkward pause. Leopold is so enthusiastic and                sincere that despite a feeling of disaster Charlie relents.                                     CHARLIE                         Finish off your Parquet and we'll                          go.               Charlie gives Kate a look of death as we:                                                                    CUT TO:               EXT. CAFFEINE - NIGHT               Charlie and Leopold approach Caffeine, a trendy coffee house.                Charlie looks in the window.                                     CHARLIE                         There they all are. Now one more                          thing. Throw the words "like" and                          "you know" into a sentence whenever                          possible. It's how people talk today.                                     LEOPOLD                         Proper speech does not cease to exist                          simply because it is ignored.                                     CHARLIE                         Please?                                     LEOPOLD                         Charles, you needn't fret. I have                          the walk down pat. I will not give                          myself away. Like.                                     CHARLIE                              (looking in the window)                         Oh shit!                              (correcting himself)                         Shoot.                                     LEOPOLD                         What is it?                                     CHARLIE                         Patrice. See that girl? The blonde                          one? She's so inconceivably hot.               INT. CAFFEINE - NIGHT               Patrice, a tall blonde sits at a large round table, talking.                She is very beautiful.               EXT. CAFFEINE - NIGHT                                     LEOPOLD                         She's very pretty.                                     CHARLIE                         She's mine.                                     LEOPOLD                         Congratulations.                                     CHARLIE                         Ok not exactly mine. But I saw her                          first.                                     LEOPOLD                         I understand.                                     CHARLIE                         Okay. I guess we should go in. I                          don't suppose we could tell everyone                          you don't speak English?                                     LEOPOLD                         Of course not. Let's go inside.               Leopold walks his casual walk inside, followed by a very                reluctant Charlie.               INT. CAFFEINE - NIGHT               Charlie's friends are sitting at a table talking. They are a                relaxed and friendly group. Charlie and Leopold approach.                                     ALL                              (ad lib greetings)                         Charlie! Where've you been? etc.                                     CHARLIE                         Hi. Uh everyone, this is my friend,                          Leo.                                     BILL                         Hey.                                     LEOPOLD                         Hey.                                     DENNIS                         Waz up?                                     LEOPOLD                         Waz up?                                     PATRICE                         How are ya?                                     LEOPOLD                         How are ya?                                     CHARLIE                              (after a beat)                         Leo's staying with us for a while.               Charlie pulls out a chair for Leopold but Leopold sits next                to Patrice instead. Patrice takes out her cigarettes.                                     LEOPOLD                         May I?                                     PATRICE                         Help yourself.               Leopold takes a cigarette, lights one for Patrice, then his                own.                                     LEOPOLD                         Thank you, my dear.                                     CHARLIE                              (at a loss)                         Um?...                              (all look at Charlie)                         ...I have nothing to say.                                     LEOPOLD                         You did not tell the truth about                          Patrice, Charles.                                     DENNIS AND BILL                         CHARLES??                                     CHARLIE                         What did I tell you, LEO?                                     LEOPOLD                         He informed me you were inconceivably                          HOT, but I think you're lovely.                          Exceptionally lovely.                                     PATRICE                         Thank you, Leo.                                     CHARLIE                              (to the waitress)                         Check please.               INT. SUBWAY - NIGHT               The subway car is inhabited solely by Leopold, Charlie, and                the oldest Ukrainian woman in New York City. Despite the                fact that the train is empty, they are all seated on the                same bench.               Charlie stares straight ahead refusing to even look at                Leopold. The Ukrainian woman hangs on every word.                                     CHARLIE                         Just drop it Leopold.                                     LEOPOLD                         But Charles, it is so ridiculous. I                          am not interested in her.                                     CHARLIE                         Hah!                                     LEOPOLD                         In any case the problem is not with                          me but with you.                              (quietly)                         You have no idea what it takes to go                          about courting a woman. From what                          I've witnessed tonight, it is                          symptomatic of your entire generation.                                     CHARLIE                              (almost speechless)                         You are some piece of work, Leopold.                                     LEOPOLD                         Now I do not wish to get personal...               Charlie bursts into ironic laughter and looks at the old                woman. She rolls her eyes.                                     LEOPOLD                         But you have been of great assistance                          to me and I feel this is one area                          where I can be of some real help.                                     CHARLIE                         I'm fascinated. Go on.                                     LEOPOLD                         Now, why was I successful with this                          young lady and why did you so                          miserably fail?                                     CHARLIE                         What makes you think she likes you?                                     LEOPOLD                         Well she gave me the number of her                          telephone and I assumed it meant...                                     CHARLIE                         Go on.                                     LEOPOLD                         As I see it, the girl hasn't an                          inkling of your intentions. And it's                          no wonder. You, Charles, are a Merry                          Andrew.                                     CHARLIE                         A what?                                     LEOPOLD                         A Merry Andrew.                                     CHARLIE                         I am not!!                                     LEOPOLD                         Everything plays like a farce to                          you. The more wit, the less courage.                          I believe the modern woman desires                          passion, protection, sensitivity. No                          woman wants to be romanced by a                          buffoon.                              (the old woman shakes                               her head)                         Banter and repartee are fine but you                          must add to that a different sort of                          playfulness.                                     CHARLIE                         You think I should pounce?                                     LEOPOLD                         I'm saying you must treat her with                          respect. Any oaf can attempt a crude                          pass. A woman of Kate's stature would                          never respond to an artificial tactic.                                     CHARLIE                         Kate?                                     LEOPOLD                         What?                                     CHARLIE                         You said Kate.                                     LEOPOLD                         I did not.                                     CHARLIE                         Yes you did. Didn't he say Kate?               The old woman nods.                                     LEOPOLD                         We are discussing your problem.                                     CHARLIE                         Not anymore. You like my sister.                                     LEOPOLD                         Charles...                                     CHARLIE                         She has trouble with men, you know.                                     LEOPOLD                         Perhaps she has not met the right                          one.                                     CHARLIE                         She has met the right one. HUNDREDS                          of times. But she pulls back. She                          cuts herself off. You turn around                          and suddenly you're dating a Sphinx.                                     LEOPOLD                         One never can tell.                                     CHARLIE                         Does Kate know how you feel?                                     LEOPOLD                         No...                                     CHARLIE                         Have you made your intentions known                          to her?                                     LEOPOLD                         No...                                     CHARLIE                         Who's the Merry Andrew now?! I think                          you're all talk and no action. What                          are you waiting for?                                     LEOPOLD                         I do not know if there is a future                          in it.                                     CHARLIE                         Well Leopold, no one ever does...                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. LEOPOLD'S BEDROOM - NIGHT               Kate enters with an arm load of Leopold's discarded clothes.                She drops them on his bed and begins to hang them in his                closet.               A notebook falls from his pants pocket. She puts it on the                bureau. A beat. She quickly picks it up, sits on the edge of                the bed and starts to read.                                     KATE                              (reading out loud)                         Royal family -- Uncouth. Making Out --                          slow soulful kissing... Woman as                          equals??               She flips a page.                                     KATE                         Who drove the Chevy to the levy and                          why was it dry?               Kate smiles. She flips the page.                                     KATE                         Eyes shine when she talks about...                          science. Raises her voice when she                          knows she's wrong. BOSSY, BOSSY,                          BOSSY. Lose my train of thought when                          I see her smile. Most beautiful when                          she's angry. Honorable heart...                          Peasant feet.               The front door is heard slamming. Kate, alarmed, stuffs the                notebook back in Leopold's pocket. She races to the door;                glances back at the notebook, turns off the light and scurries                from the room.               INT. HALLWAY - LATER THAT NIGHT               The corridor is darkly lit. Kate leaves the bathroom as                Leopold enters. They collide and separate but remain close                together. Both are dressed in pajamas and speak softly.                                     KATE                         Ooops. Bread and butter.                                     LEOPOLD                         What's that?                                     KATE                         Bread and butter. It's an old                          saying... Well not to you I guess.                          You say it when you pass someone in                          a cramped space. As close as bread                          and butter.                                     LEOPOLD                         I see.                                     KATE                         So. Did you have a good time last                          night?                                     LEOPOLD                         It was very interesting.                                     KATE                         Did you find that person of quality?               Leopold looks at her a moment.                                     LEOPOLD                         Yes. I did.                                     KATE                         Well... fine.                              (there is a pause)                         I guess it's time to turn in.                                     LEOPOLD                         Yes.                                     KATE                         Goodnight.               She reaches her door. Leopold stops her.                                     LEOPOLD                         Kate?               She turns. Leopold grasps for the words but the habit of                inaction returns.                                     LEOPOLD                         Goodnight.                              (he slowly closes the                               door)               INT. PATRICE'S APARTMENT BUILDING - DAY               Charlie stands at Patrice's door with a large painting. He                looks over at Leopold hiding the next doorway over. Charlie                knocks. She opens the door.                                     CHARLIE                         Hi. I brought you some flowers.               He hands her the flower filled painting.                                     PATRICE                         Charlie!                                     CHARLIE                         Miss Wochuchowski? I was wondering                          if you would do me the great honor                          of accompanying me to the cinema                          tonight. And allowing me the privilege                          of escorting you to dinner afterwards.               Patrice shyly studies the painting.                                     PATRICE                         It's beautiful.               Charlie quickly looks at Leopold pleadingly. He really does                not want to say this next part. Leopold, however, is adamant.                                     CHARLIE                              (deadpan)                         Gracing me with your conversation                          and company would mean the world to                          me.               There is a long pause. Patrice watches Charlie in disbelief.                                     PATRICE                         Um... 7:00?                                     CHARLIE                         7:00 is fine. I'll call for you then.               They smile at each other for a long moment.                                     LEOPOLD                              (silently mouthing)                         Goodbye.                                     CHARLIE                         Goodbye.                              (she closes the door)                         It worked!                                     LEOPOLD                         Of course it did.                                     CHARLIE                         Leopold, I... I'm... I have no idea                          what to do next!                                     LEOPOLD                         Charles. Leave everything to me.                                     CHARLIE                         Not so fast, buddy. You're next.               INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY               Kate is by the bookshelf gathering reference books on time                and space. Leopold enters. He is suddenly embarrassed and                doesn't know how to proceed.                                     LEOPOLD                         Good morning.                                     KATE                         Good morning. You're up early.               She moves to her computer on the other side of the room.                Leopold follows. Before she can sit down, Leopold pulls out                her chair. She falls to the ground. He rushes to her side                immediately.                                     LEOPOLD                         I'm terribly sorry!!                                     KATE                         Happens all the time...               She opens a reference book and slowly begins typing at her                computer. There is a pause.                                     LEOPOLD                         Dr. Coles?... ah, Kate? I was                          wondering...               She stops working and looks at Leopold.                                     LEOPOLD                         What it is you're working on.                                     KATE                         Oh. It's my computer.               She resumes her work.                                     LEOPOLD                         I see. Actually I meant the work                          itself.                                     KATE                         I'm researching the correlations                          between your time and the present.               Leopold stares blankly.                                     KATE                         I'm TRYING to get you home, Leopold.                                     LEOPOLD                         Oh.               Charlie peaks in, signaling Leopold, spurring him on.                                     LEOPOLD                         I have never seen a woman work as                          diligently and extensively before.                                     KATE                         It's made me the man I am today.                                     LEOPOLD                         It's quite a beautiful day, have you                          noticed? Perhaps you would permit                          yourself some time off and grant me                          the privilege of escorting you around                          the city this fine Spring afternoon.                                     KATE                         Oh, I'd love to but I can't. I've                          got too much work to do. Ask Charlie                          though. He'll go with you.                                     LEOPOLD                         I'm afraid it really wouldn't be the                          same. It is YOUR company I am seeking.               Surprised, Kate turns around and looks at Leopold.                                     KATE                              (gently)                         Oh, Leopold. I'm so sorry. I can't.                                     LEOPOLD                         I see. Some other time then.                                     KATE                         Yes... Thank you.               Leopold sits at the far end of the room. Kate takes a moment                then resumes typing. She STOPS and sits back in her chair.                After a long moment, she subtly unplugs the computer with                her foot and starts banging on the top of it.                                     KATE                         Oh for crying out loud. Would you                          look at this? Leopold? The computer's                          on the blink again.                              (she bangs harder)                         Cheap piece of equipment. I can't...                                     LEOPOLD                         Maybe if you...                                     KATE                         NO, no, it does this all the time.                          Just have to wait it out.                                     LEOPOLD                         I see.                                     KATE                         Darn.                                     LEOPOLD                         ...Perhaps it is a sign?                                     KATE                         Oh, you think?                              (she smiles at Leopold)               EXT. CENTRAL PARK - DAY               Leopold trots his horse expertly along the horse path. Kate                follows, clutching the horses neck, bouncing like a clown.                                     KATE                         I... I must have gotten a funny                          horse...               Leopold turns and rides around Kate.                                     LEOPOLD                         Allow me.               EXT. CENTRAL PARK - DAY               Bethesda fountain. Boats on Central Park Lake. Couples in                Sheeps Meadow.               Holding the reins of Kate's horse in one hand, Leopold grasps                Kate's waist with the other as they ride a single horse                through the greenery of Central Park.               EXT. MOVIE THEATRE - THE THALIA - DAY               A revival house. On the Marquee: "The Tenuous Duke" starring                Ronald Coleman.               INT. MOVIE THEATER - DAY               Kate and Leopold eat popcorn, Milk Duds, M & M's, and large                drinks. The lights go down and the movie begins.               The enormity of the medium strikes Leopold at once. He                involuntarily leans back in his chair grabbing Kate's                shoulder, watching attentively. After a bit:                                     LEOPOLD                         Is that supposed to be my hair? Do                          you see how they think my hair looks?               Kate looks over at Leopold and nods. Through his eyes, she                too experiences movies for the first time. She moves close                to him.               EXT. N.Y.C. - DAY               Grammercy Park, The Guggenheim Museum, Central Park Plaza,                The Metropolitan Museum.               EXT. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM - DAY               Kate and Leopold bound up the steps, entering the museum.               INT. MUSEUM - DAY               Modern art exhibit. Leopold stares blankly at an empty white                canvas. He turns to Kate questioningly.                                     KATE                         That's simplicity in it's purest                          form. It speaks volumes in it's                          nothingness. Whiteness representing                          emptiness. Hopelessness. It's bleak.                          Bleak!               Leopold eyes the painting skeptically. They move to the next                object d'art. A toilet.                                     LEOPOLD                         Aaand this represents...?               They burst into giddy laughter.                                     KATE                         Absolutely nothing.               They round the corner, moving to the next room. Leopold's                smile fades.               CLOSE UP: A painting of privileged Victorian society.               Shaken, he gazes at a painting in a dream-like state.                                     LEOPOLD                              (very quietly)                         I'd almost forgotten how beautiful                          it was. Truly. Beautiful.               Kate smiles sadly at Leopold. They slowly walk out.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               We hear keys in the lock and laughter outside as Kate and                Leopold enter.                                     LEOPOLD                              (laughing)                         M & M's, CBS, FBI.                                     KATE                         VIP, VHS, VCR.               They collapse on the couch.                                     LEOPOLD                         Ah, JFK, PDQ, XYZ.                                     KATE                         I don't know. K.D. Lang.                                     LEOPOLD                         I don't know how you keep up with                          it. I'm exhausted.                                     KATE                         So am I.                                     LEOPOLD                         I'll tell you what. Why don't I                          prepare dinner tomorrow night? I                          never have before. I mean even before                          I hit town. "Hit town" How's that? I                          can't imagine what it'll taste like,                          but I don't think it will be any                          worse than your cooking.                                     KATE                         Leopold, I have a date tomorrow night.                                     LEOPOLD                         I see.                                     KATE                         A blind date.                                     LEOPOLD                         Oh, I'm so sorry.                                     KATE                         No, that just means I haven't met                          him before. It was set up through                          friends.                                     LEOPOLD                         Ah!                                     KATE                         A hazard of single life... I'm turning                          in.               Kate gets up. Leopold automatically stands.                                     LEOPOLD                         Another time then.                                     KATE                         I'm sorry.                                     LEOPOLD                         It's quite all right.               As she gets to the door, she stops.                                     KATE                         Leopold? I had a wonderful time today.                          I can't remember the last time I                          took the day off and just played.                          I'd forgotten how beautiful this                          city can be... I want to thank you                          for that.                                     LEOPOLD                         The pleasure was mine.               Kate smiles at Leopold and goes out.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               Charlie, in a tie, is standing with Leopold at the dining                room table. Kate wearing too much makeup for her date, runs                into the bathroom in a BRIGHT RED DRESS.                                     CHARLIE                         It's a very fancy restaurant, Leopold.                          Are you sure you can teach me                          everything there is to know?                                     KATE                              (from the bathroom)                         Just don't swipe the silverware and                          give yourself away.                                     CHARLIE                         Nobody's talking to you.                                     LEOPOLD                         It is very simple. I will be your                          date. Just behave as you normally                          would and I'll correct you along the                          way. Now, escort me in.               Charlie and Leopold move across the room. After a beat,                Charlie magnanimously gestures for Leopold to go first.                Leopold gives his approval. Kate rushes out of the bathroom                in a tight BLACK dress.               Leopold and Charlie elegantly walk to the table. Charlie                sits down, pleased. Leopold remains standing, incensed.                                     CHARLIE                         Now what?               Leopold takes a cloth napkin, hits Charlie upside the head.                Hard.                                     LEOPOLD                         Pull the chair for a lady! Clod.                                     KATE (V.O.)                         No name calling.                                     LEOPOLD                              (to Kate)                         Well, really!               Charlie stands up and pulls out the chair. As Leopold sits,                Charlie pushes the chair in to hard.                                     LEOPOLD                         You're not shoveling coal into a                          furnace, Charles. Glide the chair in                          gently. Gently. Try it again.               Charlie gently glides Leopold to the table. He remains                standing, not sure what to do next.                                     LEOPOLD                         Well, sit down!                                     CHARLIE                         Now don't burst a vein or anything,                          but there are quite a few knives and                          forks here. How do I know what each                          one's for?                                     LEOPOLD                         Merely start from the outside and                          work your way in.                                     CHARLIE                         What kind of beer should I order?                                     LEOPOLD                         Beer!                                     CHARLIE                         I WAS KIDDING!                                     KATE                         How do I look?               Leopold and Charlie stand. Kate poses in the gown picked out                by Leopold. Leopold smiles brightly.                                     LEOPOLD                         You look exquisite, Katherine.                                     KATE                              (almost sadly)                         Thank you, Leopold.               She looks at Leopold not knowing what to say. Finally                                     CHARLIE                         This is a tie I'm wearing.                                     KATE                         You look very nice, Charlie.                                     CHARLIE                         Yes. I know.               The doorbell rings.                                     KATE                         That must be him.                                     LEOPOLD                         Your bland date?                                     KATE                         Blind date.                                     CHARLIE                         Remember to breathe, Kate. And don't                          use to many big words. You'll scare                          the poor slob away.                                     KATE                              (moving to the door)                         This is always the scary part.                              (she sings)                         "Open the door to my, Mystery Date."               She opens the door and looks straight up. Leopold and Charlie                peer in closer to get a better look. In the doorway stands                LARRY, great looking, very tall, a winner.                                     LARRY                         Hi. Kate?                                     KATE                         Larry?               Kate turns back to the others with a frozen smile.                                     KATE                         Well, I'm off.                                     LEOPOLD                              (giving Larry the                               once over)                         Kate, may I have a word with you?                                     KATE                         Now?                                     LEOPOLD                         Yes.                              (as they cross the                               room)                         I DON'T like the look of him.                                     KATE                         What are you talking about?                                     LEOPOLD                         Cad. I can spot one a mile away.                              (he helps her with                               her coat)                         I shall escort you out myself. I                          will act as your chaperone.                                     KATE                         That isn't necessary. I'll be fine.                                     LEOPOLD                         It is no trouble.                                     KATE                         Goodnight, Leopold.                                     LEOPOLD                         But...                                     KATE                         Goodnight.               She is gone. Leopold stares after her, dejected.               INT. SPORTS BAR - NIGHT               Kate and Larry are led to their table. Larry sits down. Kate                remains standing.                                     LARRY                              (friendly)                         Sit down.                                     KATE                              (sighs)                         Thank you.                              (she sits)                                     LARRY                         So. How am I doing?                                     KATE                         I beg your pardon?                                     LARRY                         How am I doing? First date. You                          pleased? You disappointed?                                     KATE                         Undecided.                                     LARRY                         I see.               He snaps his fingers to get the waiters attention startling                Kate. She laughs nervously.                                     LARRY                         So. What did Jeannie say about me?                                     KATE                         About you? Ah, she said you were                          tall.                                     LARRY                         6'3.                                     KATE                         And nice looking.                                     LARRY                         Thank you.                                     KATE                         Thank her. And that you persevere                          ardently on Wall Street.                                     LARRY                         Well, I work there...                                     KATE                              (after a beat)                         That must be very interesting.                                     LARRY                              (laughing)                         You've obviously never worked on                          Wall Street.                                     KATE                              (laughing along for                               the hell of it)                         No.               Their laughter subsides. After a beat:                                     LARRY                         What else did Jeannie say about me?               INT. THE FOUR SEASONS - NIGHT               The Maitre d' of this very fancy restaurant shows Charlie                and Patrice to their seats. Charlie motions Patrice to go                first just as Leopold has instructed.               The Maitre de pulls out Patrice's chair. Charlie gives him a                look to back off. Charlie effortlessly glides Patrice to the                table and takes his seat.                                     PATRICE                         Have I told you how much I liked                          your painting?                                     CHARLIE                              (beaming)                         Twice.                                     PATRICE                         If you get tired of hearing about                          it, let me know. I have to admit I                          was sort of surprised when you called.                          I didn't think you liked me, Charlie.                                     CHARLIE                         When I first saw you, I thought...                              (he makes his jaw                               drop down to the                               floor)                                     PATRICE                         What do you think now?               Charlie smiles and places her hand over his heart. Then he                makes his jaw drop again. Patrice laughs happily.               INT. SPORTS BAR - NIGHT               Kate and Larry are eating their dinner.                                     KATE                         Aaand that's about all Jeannie said.                          What did Jeannie say about me?                                     LARRY                              (smiling)                         She said you were enormously sexy,                          had a great body, but you don't put                          out.                                     KATE                         Quite a compelling portrait.                                     LARRY                              (turning on the charm)                         Would you say it's an accurate                          portrait?                                     KATE                              (leaning into Larry)                         A masterpiece.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               Leopold slowly carries a dinner tray to the dinning room                table. He moves to the window and looks out. After a while                he pours a glass of wine.               INT. SPORTS BAR - NIGHT               As they eat their dinner Larry drones on.                                     LARRY                         So this guy wants to invest $50,000                          in a stock that's no good. Here's                          what I do...               Kate stares absentmindedly at Larry, her mind somewhere else.                She looks down at the fork in her hand. She switches to the                proper one, reflecting on Leopold's etiquette. She notices                her napkin lying flat on the table. She reaches for it.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               Leopold unfolds his napkin and puts it on his lap. He begins                to eat his dinner. Slowly. Elegantly. Alone.               INT. SPORTS BAR - NIGHT               Kate places the napkin on her lap. She stares at it a long                while. Finally she looks up at Larry.               EXTREME CLOSE UP OF LARRY                                     LARRY                         I'm telling you the guy was a DICK!                          A total ASSHOLE!                                     KATE                              (jarred awake)                         Who?                                     LARRY                         Jeff Murray. The guy I've been talking                          about. Hello?                                     KATE                              (realizing her feelings                               for Leopold, smiling                               radiantly at Larry)                         Goodbye.               Then as she leaves, a parting shot.                                     KATE                         Don't get up.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               Sound of keys in the lock, then Kate bursts through the door.                                     KATE                         Leopold?               The living room is dark and empty. She goes through the living                room, past the hallway, into the bedroom.                                     KATE                         Leopold?               His bedroom is empty. He is not there.                                     KATE                         Oh, Leopold...               She runs into Charlie's studio and stops short.               Next to Charlie's stern paintings, Leopold's portrait of                Kate shines in the moonlight. She wears an antique dress.                She is lovely. Kate sees herself as Leopold sees her and is                touched. She turns and collides head on with Leopold.                                     KATE                         Oh!                                     LEOPOLD                         Bread and butter.               He is wearing gloves and an apron. He rubs his bruised head,                inadvertently leaving a trail of suds along his face.                                     LEOPOLD                         You're back early. Did you enjoy                          your date?                                     KATE                              (happily)                         No.               She moves in close, trying to remove the soap from his face.                                     KATE                         Here, you've got some...               He wipes his face making it much worse.                                     LEOPOLD                         Is it gone?                                     KATE                              (laughing)                         No.               She uses the apron to wipe away the soap. They gaze at each                other and become serious.                                     KATE                              (softly)                         A funny thing happened to me on my                          bland date this evening, Leopold. I                          really can't explain it. This puffed-                         up, puritanical, blundering, greenhorn                          kept popping into my mind all night                          long at the most inopportune times.                          I couldn't get rid of him.                                     LEOPOLD                         How inconsiderate.                                     KATE                         Yeah, it was. The harder I tried,                          the more persistent he became. He's                          conceited and inflated and unseasoned                          and it doesn't seem to matter...                          He's 134 years old but I can't get                          him out of my head.                                     LEOPOLD                         Is he there right now?                                     KATE                         Right here. Larger than life.                                     LEOPOLD                         I'll protect you...               They kiss. A long romantic passionate kiss.                                     LEOPOLD                         Dr. Coles, would you grant me license                          to dine with you tomorrow evening at                          eight o'clock?                                     KATE                         Permission granted.                                     LEOPOLD                         Until tomorrow, then.               They separate. A beat. Leopold gestures for Kate to go first.                They head down the hallway together into their separate rooms.               INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT               The table clock chimes eight times. Leopold enters from the                kitchen dressed perfectly in the most UP TO DATE style. He                carries a casserole dish.               A second later Kate enters from the hallway. She is wearing                an OLD FASHIONED, ANTIQUE DRESS. She looks lovely.                                     LEOPOLD                              (a little startled)                         You look beautiful.                                     KATE                         YOU do. What have you got there?               Leopold opens the casserole dish.                                     KATE                         Hamburger Helper!                                     LEOPOLD                         I know you like it.               Kate smiles. She looks behind him into the kitchen. A COLOSSAL                MESS. Leopold lights the candles and pulls out her chair.                This time she's prepared. He slides her chair to the table.               INT. LIVING ROOM, LATER THAT NIGHT               The candles have burned down, casting a romantic glow                throughout the apartment. Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful                World" plays. Kate and Leopold sit on the couch sipping wine.                                     LEOPOLD                         Tell me more.                                     KATE                         Um, where was I? So after my father                          died I had to go to work.                                     LEOPOLD                         Have you had many jobs?                                     KATE                         Many. I got fired from all of them.                          I'm the most unskilled person I know.                          But they were just survival jobs                          while I was still in school. I always                          knew I wanted to go into science                          like my father. And I did.                                     LEOPOLD                         Do you miss him?                                     KATE                         I think about him every day. He was                          courtly, just like you.                                     LEOPOLD                         I think you are a remarkable woman                          Katherine Coles.                                     KATE                         You just don't get out much. You'd                          be surprised how remarkable I'm not.                                     LEOPOLD                         No, it is you who would be surprised.               They kiss. Anxiously they stare into each other's eyes. They                kiss again. Slowly, Kate leads him to her bedroom door. They                look at each other, deciding.               Deliberately, cautiously, Kate opens the door.                                     LEOPOLD                         Kate...               Kate puts her fingers over Leopold's lips. Gently she leads                him inside. They slowly embrace as the door closes.               INT. BEDROOM - THE NEXT MORNING               Sunlight floods the room. Clothes are scattered about. Two                figures lie curled up together sleeping in bed. One of the                figures rolls around. The covers are pulled back revealing:                                     CHARLIE                         Good morning.                                     PATRICE                         Morning.               They kiss.                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. LIVING ROOM - MORNING               Leopold wearing a bathrobe is pouring coffee. The table is                set for a huge breakfast. Kate also in a robe enters from                the hallway. There is a moment of awkwardness as they see                each other for the first time.                                     KATE                         Morning.                                     LEOPOLD                         Good morning.               They kiss shyly. Kate notices the feast.                                     KATE                         Look what you've done!                                     LEOPOLD                         It's nothing.                                     KATE                         Nothing? My own mother never made me                          a breakfast like this.                                     LEOPOLD                         I will have to have a talk with her.                                     KATE                         Leopold...                                     LEOPOLD                         Kate...                                     KATE                         About last night...                                     LEOPOLD                         Please sit down.               He pulls out a chair for her and kneels beside her.                                     LEOPOLD                         Kate, I had never before been a                          considerate man. I had, with                          astonishing complacency, squandered                          my life, waiting for some incentive                          to force me into action. You have                          made me see how rare our time here                          really is. I am most beholden to you                          Kate. And always will be.                                     KATE                         I sense the word "BUT" entering into                          this any minute now.               Leopold takes her hands in his. She looks at him defensively,                bracing for worst.                                     LEOPOLD                         Do me the honor Katherine, of becoming                          my wife.               Kate lets out a very girlish, high pitched scream                                     LEOPOLD                         Shall I take that as a "yes"?                                     KATE                         Leopold! Did you just ask me to marry                          you?                                     LEOPOLD                         I love you, Kate.                                     KATE                         That's entirely beside the point...                          You're moving way too fast here.                          Shouldn't we date first? I mean it's                          obvious the first one went well...                                     LEOPOLD                         Where I come from that's pretty much                          the way it works.                                     KATE                         Leopold, even though last night we...                          loved each other, that doesn't mean                          this morning we're engaged. It just                          doesn't work that way now.                                     LEOPOLD                              (taking a ring off                               his fingers and                               placing it on hers)                         I have loved you since I first set                          eyes on you. I cannot imagine my                          life without you beside me. I want                          to marry you, Kate and make an honest                          woman of you.                                     KATE                         Oh Leopold, sit down.               They switch places. Leopold sits and Kate kneels beside him.                                     KATE                         Relationships these days are much                          more complicated than that. Women                          today have certain freedoms that men                          have been taking advantage of for                          centuries. You must have been aware                          of that. If you think about it                          clearly, it should be obvious to you                          that marriage between us is out of                          the question.                                     LEOPOLD                         Do you not love me Kate?                                     KATE                              (almost inaudible)                         Don't ever think that...                                     LEOPOLD                         Then consider my proposal.                                     KATE                         I'll think it over but I can tell                          you now the answer is...               He kisses her. It's impressive.                                     KATE                              (out of breath)                         Possibly.                                     LEOPOLD                              (a knowing smile)                         I need you beside me. I will not                          give up easily.                                     KATE                              (smiling)                         Do what you have to do...               Charlie enters. Kate and Leopold become extremely                selfconscious.                                     CHARLIE                         Morning.                                     LEOPOLD AND KATE                              (too casual and too                               chipper)                         Morning!               Charlie is immediately aware that something is not quite                right. He studies the two of them and nonchalant sits at the                table. Kate and Leopold serve themselves breakfast.                                     LEOPOLD                              (to Kate)                         Coffee?               Kate nods. As Leopold pours, they look at each other shyly.                                     CHARLIE                              (after a pause)                         I would like some coffee.                                     KATE                         Of course. Say when.               She pours Charlie's coffee until it overflows.                                     CHARLIE                              (deadpan)                         When.                                     KATE                         Sorry.               As Kate wipes up the table, Charlie notices her ring. He                eyes Leopold suspiciously. Leopold concentrates on his plate.               Charlie gives Kate a questioning glance. She smiles at him,                looking both innocent and guilty at the same time. After a                beat:                                     CHARLIE                         Uh huh.               All smile privately and sip their coffee without another                word.                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. LAB - NIGHT               Buried behind open books and crumpled up paper, Kate labors                in earnest.               She stops suddenly, almost violently, and studies the notes                in front of her. The coffee cup falls from her hand and                breaks.                                     DR. KAY                              (calling from her                               office)                         Kate, are you all right?                                     KATE                         Fine! I'm fine.               She covers her papers and self consciously cleans up her                mess. She sits down slowly and peeks at her notes. She has                SOLVED THE PUZZLE that will send Leopold back.               She looks up in disbelief and glances through her window                around the lab. Everyone is hard at work. Helplessly, she                stares back at the paper on her desk.               She pulls open her drawer and takes out the picture of                Carlson. She stares at it for a long time. She opens her                mouth to call for the others, stops, and looks at the photo.               Slowly, with great indecision, Kate crumples up the paper.                She returns the picture to the drawer. After a long moment,                she opens a book, feigning research, her mind a million miles                away.               INT. KATE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT               Leopold and Kate sit on her bed watching David Lettering.                Kate clutches her pillow close to her. She looks over at                Leopold concentrating on the TV with furrowed brow. She smiles                sadly. She takes her pillow and flings it off her bed. She                snuggles up to Leopold. They watch TV. Together.               EXT. N.Y.C. - DAY               Central Park in full bloom, Botanical Gardens, The Frock                Museum.               INT. RESTAURANT - DAY               Leopold and Kate eat lunch. Leopold scans a newspaper. On                the TV over the bar, Bob Dole is speaking out against gun                control.                                     LEOPOLD                         Public office is apparently still                          the last refuge for the incompetent.                          Show me a man who does not want his                          gun registered and I'll show you a                          man who should not own a gun. What                          is a pee-pee girl?                                     KATE                         What are you reading?                                     LEOPOLD                         The Village Voice. After much                          consideration, I have decided it is                          time I join the work force.                                     KATE                         As a pee-pee girl?                                     LEOPOLD                         Perhaps not that, but I am determined                          to acquire honest employment.                                     KATE                         Leopold, I don't know if that's such                          a good idea.                                     LEOPOLD                         Kate, my life back home was beneficial                          to no one. I want my new life to                          have value. I won't make the same                          mistakes twice.                                     KATE                         You have to be patient.                                     LEOPOLD                         I could conceivably wait my whole                          life away.                                     KATE                         You're awfully cute when you get                          causey.                                     LEOPOLD                         I will not waste any more time. I                          must make a difference.               INT. BLOOMINGDALES - DAY               Customers fill the aisles. In the center of it all, Leopold                is hard at work. He holds a bottle of perfume.                                     LEOPOLD                         Try our fragrance? Would you like to                          try our new fragrance today?                                     RICH CUSTOMER                         What is it?                                     LEOPOLD                         It is called, POISON.               He squirts some at her.                                     RICH CUSTOMER                         Oh! I don't think so. Have you got                          PASSION?                                     LEOPOLD                         I beg your pardon?                                     RICH CUSTOMER                         Elizabeth Taylor's Passion?                                     LEOPOLD                         Next aisle over.               She leaves. Leopold looks after her.                                     LEOPOLD                              (after a beat)                         Give your mother-in-law what she                          really deserves this season. Give                          her some POISON.               INT. KATE'S LABORATORY OFFICE - MORNING               The doctors enter Kate's office and closes the door.                                     KATE                         Hi.                              (the doctors remain                               silent)                         What's the matter?               There is a long pause. Slowly Kate realizes the doctors are                on to her. She puts down her pen.                                     KATE                         So you know.                                     DR. KAU                         We had to go through your computer                          to access information. Your                          calculations have been verified and                          the final course has been set. Leopold                          goes back a week from Friday 1:17                          a.m.                                     DR. PLODDER                         How long were you going to keep it a                          secret, Kate?                                     DR. DRAKE                         Were you even going to tell us at                          all?                                     KATE                         I'm not sure.                                     DR. PLODDER                         Not sure? What can you be thinking?                          You can't alter the course of history                          and assume everything will be okay.                          It won't be. He has his own destiny                          to fulfill in his own time.                                     KATE                              (quietly)                         You don't understand.                                     DR. DRAKE                              (gently)                         He's going back, Kate.                                     DR. PLODDER                         It's over.               Kate nods. The doctors slowly leave the room and close the                door. Just the sound of the clock ticking.               Kate sits at her desk very still.                                     KATE                         No... No, no, no.               INT. KATE'S BEDROOM - EARLY EVENING               Charlie knocks and enters.                                     CHARLIE                         There you are. I've only been                          hollering for the last...               He sees her face. Kate's eyes are red and swollen. She lays                out Leopold's belongings.                                     CHARLIE                         Kate? What is it? What happened?                                     KATE                              (very detached)                         It's time. Leopold's going back.                                     CHARLIE                         Kate...                                     KATE                         Yup. I'll get his things together.                          Tell him tonight.               He goes to her.                                     CHARLIE                         Are you all right?                                     KATE                              (pulling away)                         I'm fine.                                     CHARLIE                         You don't look so fine.                                     KATE                         Well I am. It was wonderful having                          him here, Charlie. He was of                          invaluable assistance to the project.                              (she shrugs)                         I'll miss him.                                     CHARLIE                         You'll miss him?                                     KATE                         I will.                                     CHARLIE                         Goddamnit Kate, you love the guy!               Kate remains silent.                                     CHARLIE                         Kate, don't do this. Please. It's                          not right.                                     KATE                         What am I supposed to DO, Charlie??                          I can't go back. He can't stay. I                          can't let him go. I'm not equipped                          to deal with this, Charlie. I don't                          know how.                                     CHARLIE                         Listen to me, Kate. Don't! Don't be                          the ice princess.                                     KATE                              (beginning to tear up)                         I'm not!                                     CHARLIE                         You are. You can't live your whole                          life under a microscope. You've got                          to tell him how you feel.                                     KATE                              (breaking down in his                               arms)                         It's too much, Charlie. It's just                          too much.                                     CHARLIE                         You owe it to him.                                     KATE                         I didn't know I could feel like this.                          I really didn't know.               INT. FANCY FRENCH RESTAURANT - NIGHT                                     LEOPOLD                         So I looked him right in the eye and                          said, 'Ego is nature's compensation                          for mediocrity.' I turned and I                          walked. He never said a word... He                          probably didn't understand it...                          Kate?                                     KATE                              (cold)                         What?                                     LEOPOLD                         Are you all right? You're awfully                          quiet.                                     KATE                         I'm fine.                                     LEOPOLD                         How was your day?                                     KATE                              (taking a long pause)                         It's time.               Leopold looks at her.                                     KATE                         We're sending you back.                                     LEOPOLD                              (slowly pushing his                               plate away)                         When?                                     KATE                         A week from Friday, early morning.                                     LEOPOLD                         No!                                     KATE                         It was a mistake, Leopold. It's out                          of our hands. We can't POCKET people                          from history like stolen jewels. We                          haven't the right... I'm sorry. We'll                          miss you.                                     LEOPOLD                         Is that all?                                     KATE                         What do you want me to do, fall apart?                          You'd still be leaving. It wouldn't                          solve anything.                                     LEOPOLD                         Who is this woman sitting across                          from me?                                     KATE                         What do you want me to say, Leopold?                                     LEOPOLD                         Tell me that you love me as I love                          you. Let me hear you say it.               Kate remains silent. Leopold abruptly throws money on the                table.                                     LEOPOLD                         I will not do this. I'm sorry.               We starts out.                                     KATE                         Leopold!               EXT. STREET - NIGHT               Leopold walks out of the restaurant trying to remain calm.                His emotions get the best of him. Finally, exhausted, he                winds up walking along Central Park South.               Hansom Carriages wait to be taken out. He approaches slowly.                He stops along side one of the cabs and strokes the horse's                head.               He looks at the horse for a long time. Then he looks at the                skyscrapers surrounding him, deciding what to do. He lays                his face against the horse's head, torn.                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. LIVING ROOM - EARLY MORNING               Kate sits at the dinning room table behind empty Sara Lee                boxes, pints of ice cream, beer bottles, and is working her                way through the cookie dough. Leopold enters through the                front door, DISHEVELED.                                     LEOPOLD                         Good God. Look at you. You look awful.                                     KATE                         You should see what I'm looking at.                                     LEOPOLD                         I went back to the restaurant. They                          told me you went out looking for me                          right after I left.                                     KATE                         That was pound cakes ago. Where were                          you?                                     LEOPOLD                         I had a lot to think over.                                     KATE                         Such as?                                     LEOPOLD                         Just where I stand around here.               There is a long pause.                                     KATE                              (quietly)                         We should have come up with something                          together. I might have been spared                          ten or seventy pounds.                                     LEOPOLD                         Is that an apology?                                     KATE                         I'm sorry for what I said.               Leopold goes to her. He gently prys cookie dough from her                hands.                                     LEOPOLD                         I'm not going anywhere.                                     KATE                         Yes you are...                                     LEOPOLD                         I'm not going. I'm staying here with                          you.                                     KATE                         But? You can't! We have no right                          to...                                     LEOPOLD                         It is my destiny. It is my decision.                                     KATE                         Have you thought about what you'd be                          sacrificing? Your influence? Your                          authority?               They kiss.                                     KATE                         Your family, your whole way of life,                          everything?               They kiss.                                     KATE                         You're not just feeling sorry for me                          because I ate the contents of the                          refrigerator, are you?               They kiss.                                     LEOPOLD                         I love you, Kate. The single most                          miraculous event in my life was not                          how I arrived here, but that when I                          did, I found you.                                     KATE                              (overwhelmed)                         Here comes the mushy part!                                     LEOPOLD                         After much consideration I've come                          to the conclusion I no longer desire                          a large estate with a full staff and                          ornate grounds.                                     KATE                         That's good, because if you're staying                          I'll probably get fired again. What                          do you desire?                                     LEOPOLD                         A beautiful wife, a small home in                          the middle of nowhere, lots of                          children, and fine schools with PMS                          meetings every other Sunday.                                     KATE                         ...PTA?                                     LEOPOLD                         PTA.                                     KATE                         I love you too. I do, Leopold. I                          love you, too.               They kiss.               INT. LABORATORY - DAY               Leopold and Kate sit calm and resolute. The doctors are in                an uproar.                                     DR. PLODDER                         This is outrageous! I won't allow                          it!                                     LEOPOLD                         The decision is not yours to make.                                     DR. PLODDER                         Do you realize what you're saying?                          You're tampering with fate,                          preordinance, and God himself.                                     LEOPOLD                         We do that every day, doctor. It is                          called CHOICE.                                     DR. KAU                         Dr. Carlson is still over there. You                          can't simply abandon her. We have to                          get her back.                                     KATE                         Do you think I'm not aware of that?                          Do you think a minute goes by that I                          don't feel responsible for her? But                          SOMEONE ELSE CAN GO.                                     DR. KAU                         Only one person can return. The                          capsule accommodates only one person.                          Leopold has to find her.                                     LEOPOLD                         Perhaps she does not wish to return.                          Perhaps she's found greater happiness                          in her new life. It happened to me.                                     KATE                         Maybe this is her destiny. Maybe                          she's of more important use back                          there.                                     DR. KAU                         Julia Carlson died in the Center                          Factory fire of 1897, two years after                          she arrived. She was 37 years old.               There is a stunned silence.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Dear lord.                                     DR. KAU                         She was a friend, Kate. She was never                          expected to sacrifice her life for                          this experiment. I won't be a party                          to it. I know what I'm asking...                          There's no way we can force you to                          go. Just think it over.               INT. BEDROOM - 2:30 A.M.               A clock is ticking loudly. Kate and Leopold lie back to back.                                     KATE                         You're going back aren't you?                                     LEOPOLD                         I keep seeing that poor woman's face.                          She was terrified.                                     KATE                         You said you wouldn't leave me...                          I've never been lucky. Not one time.                                     LEOPOLD                         Six months ago I wouldn't have given                          it another thought. I wouldn't have                          lost a moment's sleep. You've changed                          me, Kate. There is no turning back.                                     KATE                         I wouldn't WANT you to change. That's                          what's tearing me up inside. Either                          way I lose... You've changed me too.                          I can't go back to my old life                          anymore. I can't live like that again.                          God my heart is pounding like a drum.                          I've never been so scared in my life.                          Take me with you, Leopold. God. Take                          me with you.                                     LEOPOLD                         You don't realize what you're saying!                          You don't understand the kind of                          life you'd lead. What you'd be giving                          up.                                     KATE                         I'd be with you.                                     LEOPOLD                         I can't ask that of you.                                     KATE                         Just ask me... Just ask.                                     LEOPOLD                         Come back with me.               She slowly turns. She embraces him.                                     KATE                         Yes!               EXT. N.Y.C. STREET - NIGHT               Dressed to the nines, Leopold leads a blindfolded Kate through                the street. She is clumsier than usual.                                     KATE                         Where are you taking me?                                     LEOPOLD                         This is something I've wanted to do                          for a long time.               She takes off her blindfold and looks up at the sign:                ROSELAND.                                     KATE                         Leopold?                                     LEOPOLD                         This will be very therapeutic.               He takes her arm and escorts her in.               INT. ROSELAND - NIGHT               Leopold leads Kate to the dance floor. He opens his arms and                Kate steps in the way she was taught in class. Leopold pulls                her close.               This time there is no pretending. Partnered together, they                shine. They move beautifully, effortlessly. It's almost more                than they can bear. As the music plays, they stop. Leopold                holds Kate tightly. They look at each other for the longest                time.                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. LABORATORY - EARLY MORNING               Large screen computers are working overtime. Kate, Leopold,                and Charlie accompany the doctors to the capsule. It is nearly                time.                                     DR. DRAKE                         The time tables have been set. Just                          strap yourself in and you'll be fine.                                     DR. PLODDER                         You have only a twenty four hour                          leeway before the machine is set to                          return to us. You must find Carlson                          within that time frame and get her                          on board or there will be little                          chance of her finding a way back.                                     LEOPOLD                         I understand.                                     DR. DRAKE                         It's been a real pleasure. You have                          a much nicer smile than Ronald                          Coleman.                                     LEOPOLD                         The privilege was mine.                                     DR. KAU                         Goodbye Leopold, and thank you.                              (she gives him a kiss)                                     LEOPOLD                         Oh, my.                                     DR. KAU                         Don't worry. We'll send Kate to you...                          as soon as possible. I'll see to it                          myself.                                     LEOPOLD                         See that you do.                                     DR. KAU                         You have my word on it.               The doctors leave.                                     DR. DRAKE                         Four minutes and counting.                                     CHARLIE                         Well? I'll make this quick. Goodbye.               He sticks out his hand.                                     LEOPOLD                         Goodbye.                              (impulsively Leopold                               embraces Charlie)                         I shall miss you Charles, more than                          you know.                                     CHARLIE                         I'll miss you too, Leopold... You're                          the only one who knows how to program                          the VCR... Take care of my sister.                                     LEOPOLD                         I will.                                     CARLSON                         You better. Take care of yourself                          too while you're at it... So long.                                     KATE                         I don't have any words for this.                                     LEOPOLD                         I will see you soon.                                     KATE                         I know.                                     LEOPOLD                         You'll be with me all the time.                                     KATE                         I know. I brought you something.               She takes out a ring and slips it on his finger.                                     KATE                         So you wouldn't forget me.                                     LEOPOLD                         Kate...                                     KATE                         So you wouldn't think this was all a                          dream.               They kiss.                                     KATE                         Don't forget about me.                                     LEOPOLD                         I love you, Kate.                                     KATE                         Wait for me.                                     LEOPOLD                         For as long as it takes.                                     KATE                         I will come back to you! I will!                                     LEOPOLD                         I'll be waiting.               They kiss again for the last time.                                     DR. DRAKE                         It's time Leopold.               Leopold holds Kate's face in his hands. Very slowly they                part.               Leopold takes his place in the machine and straps himself                in. He places one hand on the red lever and the other against                the glass pane on the door. Kate comes over and places her                hand over his. Wordlessly, they say goodbye.               After a moment, Dr. Kau gently moves Kate away. Dr. Plodder                silently raises his arm, signaling Leopold.                                     DR. PLODDER                         9 8 7 6 5 4...               Leopold shifts in his seat, his eyes never leaving Kate's,                his hand still against the glass.               Kate smiles tenderly at Leopold.                                     DR. PLODDER                         3 2 1!               Dr. Plodder drops his arm signaling Leopold. Leopold pulls                the lever, still gazing at Kate. There is a blinding FLASH                of light, then darkness.               INT. LAB - MONTHS LATER               Kate raises her head. She sits at her desk surrounded by the                doctors.                                     DR. PLODDER                         I cannot in good conscience let you                          go. It's out of the question.                                     DR. DRAKE                         I can't be a part of it either Kate.                          I'm sorry.                                     DR. KAU                         It's too big a risk.               Kate rises and moves to the window. She is a full NINE MONTHS                PREGNANT.                                     DR. PLODDER                         We cannot guarantee your child's                          safety. It's that simple.                                     KATE                         He's waiting for me. I can feel it.                          Oh, Leopold...               She gazes out the window, searching the horizon.                                                                    CUT TO:               EXT. A SMALL FARM HOUSE - EVENING               Down from the horizon, a farm house. LEO COLES, 5 years old,                rocks on his front porch swing. Using his bare hands as                puppets he carries on a conversation. JULIA CARLSON pulls up                in her car.                                     CARLSON                         Hi. Does Katherine Coles live here?                                     LEO                         Yeah.                              (yelling inside)                         MOM??                                     CARLSON                         You're Leo aren't you? You don't                          remember me but I knew you when you                          were yea big.                              (she holds her hands                               an inch apart)                                     LEO                         Yeah.                                     CARLSON                         I'm Julia. I'm an old friend of your                          mothers.                                     LEO                              (proudly)                         We had spaghetti at our house 4 times                          this week.               Kate comes out on the porch. She looks lovely.                                     KATE                         Leo you don't have to holler like                          that. I'm not deaf...                                     CARLSON                         Kate?                                     KATE                         ...Carlson?!               The two women scream, run to each other and embrace.                                     KATE                         Carlson, I don't believe it. It's                          been... I don't know how many years.                          What are you doing here.                                     CARLSON                         I came to see you, sweetie.                                     KATE                         You remember my son, Leo?                                     CARLSON                         We've just been getting acquainted.                                     KATE                         Well, come inside. Come inside.               INT. KATE'S HOUSE - NIGHT               Kate heads straight for the kitchen. Carlson scans the living                room before joining her.               Although rustic on the outside, the inside of the house is                furnished with antiques and is Victorian in style.                                     KATE                              (covering her agitation)                         Would you like some tea? I wish you                          had called before you come over. It                          would have given me a chance to                          straighten up the house... myself...                          my life. Tell me what you've been up                          to. Catch me up on everyone. I heard                          you received some big endowment or                          something. I was going to write,                          then call, but...               She picks up the cup and saucer but it shakes so violently                she has to put it down.                                     CARLSON                         It's all right, Kate. I understand.               There is a LONG PAUSE. Carlson gets the tea ready. Finally:                                     CARLSON                         You'd leave in 9 days. That's not a                          lot of time to get your affairs in                          order... And I warn you, it's nearly                          impossible for an intelligent woman                          back there.               Kate stands by the back door, looking out at Leo.                                     CARLSON                         He's a fine boy Kate. Leopold would                          be proud. We're aware of your                          situation but we felt when the time                          came, you deserved the option.               Kate nods, trembling slightly.               INT. FARM HOUSE - NIGHT               Kate stands in the doorway as Carlson drives off.                                     LEO                         Who was that lady?                                     KATE                         Just an old friend.                                     LEO                         What she want?                                     KATE                              (she looks at Leo)                         Nothing important. You brush your                          teeth?               Leo shows off his teeth.                                     KATE                         Then give your old mom a hug and go                          to bed.                              (Leo gives her a hug                               and a kiss)                         Good night, cookie.                                     LEO                         Good night.               Kate wraps herself in an old blanket and moves through the                house turning off the lights. It is very guiet. All we hear                are Kate's footsteps and the sound of the clock ticking.               She makes her way upstairs, enters her bed room. She sits                down by the window at her desk. She sits a long time lost in                thought.               She slowly pulls open a drawer and from deep inside pulls                out an old photo album. She opens it and begins to look                through.                                                                    CUT TO:               THE PHOTO ALBUM               Inside, old black and white photographs, newspaper clippings,                magazine articles trace Leopold throughout his life.               A photograph of Leopold looking as he did the night he                departed this world. He stands stiffly beside his family for                a formal portrait. Very discreetly, he points to a ring. It                is the same ring Kate gave him.               A newspaper article shows Leopold donating $100,000 to                establish a scientific center researching studies in time                and space.               A magazine picture shows Leopold, the sole male figure,                marching to give women the vote.               A photograph of a large formal wedding. Leopold, around FIFTY,                stands alone in the wedding party, surreptitiously pointing                to his ring.               A magazine article shows Leopold in his SIXTIES establishing                a scholarship program for studies in physics. He is surrounded                by academia and subtly points to his ring.               A photograph of Leopold around SEVENTY shaking hands with                Albert Einstein and smiling broadly for the cameras.               A professional photograph of Leopold at SEVENTY FIVE, sitting                regally in a chair. Beside him, an EMPTY chair. He rests one                hand on the back of the chair. The other he holds against                his chest, showing off the ring.               An obituary with the headline, "Philanthropist, 80, dies in                bombings.               A tear falls on the page.               Kate cries silently, looking out the window. The camera                follows her gaze past her property...                                                                    CUT TO:               INT. BANQUET ROOM - YEARS LATER               LEO, 24 and his BRIDE take to the floor for the first time                as husband and wife and are greeted with applause. Kate,                older, beautiful, hair cut short, looks on in wonder.               Charlie, standing with Patrice and their 6 blonde children,                approaches Kate and leads her to the dance floor.                                     KATE                         He's so YOUNG, Charlie.                                     CHARLIE                         He's old enough.                                     KATE                         Look at that idiotic expression on                          his face.                                     CHARLIE                         He's happy.                                     KATE                         Of course he's happy. All weddings                          are happy. It's the living together                          afterwards that causes all the                          trouble.               Julia Carlson, under dressed, over anxious, enters the banquet                hall. She stands at the back of the large room, searching.               Couples fill the dance floor. Across the expansive room,                over the tops of heads, Charlie and Kate bob amongst the                guests. Leo cuts in. As they spin, in the briefest of seconds,                Kate spots Carlson. She pales. They TURN.               Kate peers over Leo's shoulder. Her eyes lock with Julia's.                Julia nods with purpose. Kate holds onto Leo tightly, not                wanting to let go. She buries her head in his chest.                                     KATE                         Oh, you're so young... I love you,                          Leo. Always remember that...               From behind, her shoulders shake as she cries.                                     LEO                         Mom, we're only moving to Denver.                                     KATE                         I know, cookie. I know.               INT. CONTROL BOOTH - NIGHT               From behind a glass partition, Carlson works at her console.                A monitor counts away the seconds. 59, 58, 57... In the                darkened lab, Kate, dressed in early 1920s attire, straps                herself in and smiles tearfully. Their voices echo in the                lab.                                     KATE                         Well...                                     CHARLIE                         I know. Me too.               They embrace each other for the last time.                                     KATE                         What will I do without you, Charlie?                                     CHARLIE                              (softly)                         Live happily ever after.                                     CARLSON                              (pushing the intercom                               button)                         Kate, it's time.                                     LEO                              (emotionally)                         Here. It's a letter for my father.                          Tell him about me and... um, tell                          him I love him. I want him to know                          me.                                     KATE                         Leo...                                     LEO                         Mom, I want you to go.                                     KATE                         But...               He puts his finger to her lips. He looks to his wife then                back at Kate. He nods his head.                                     LEO                         Go.               They force themselves to smile, trying to get through the                moment.                                     CARLSON                         Ready!               Charlie, Leo and his new bride stand back. Inside the craft,                the only light comes from the glowing red lever. Carlson                raises her arm, signaling Kate. Then to her staff:                                     CARLSON                         9, 8, 7...               Kate presses her hand against the glass as a final goodbye.                She grabs the lever with her other hand and turns away,                staring straight ahead. Charlie puts his arm around Leo.                                     CARLSON                         3, 2, 1!               There is a BRIGHT WHITE FLASH. Kate is gone. The others stand                there motionless, stunned.               The screen is BLACK.               EXT. A LARGE VICTORIAN ESTATE - 1924 - NIGHT               A FLASH of light illuminates the forest at the Albany estate.                A BEAT. Kate races from the forest onto a massive lawn,                stumbling in mud as she hurries to the mansion's entrance.               INT. BALLROOM - NIGHT               Huge double doors open to reveal -- AN ORNATE BALLROOM. The                creme de la creme have gathered and dance. Kate overwhelmed,                rushes down an elaborate staircase. Half way down she looses                a shoe. She hesitates briefly then continues to the dance                floor.               In the center of the floor, Leopold, looking very                distinguished and attractive, dances with a flirtatious young                woman. Try as she might, Leopold keeps her at a distance.                                     FLIRT                              (brushing his shirt                               front)                         I just love a starched white shirt.                          It's so elegant.                                     LEOPOLD                         Thank you.                                     FLIRT                         Skeeky.                                     LEOPOLD                         Yes. You dance like an angel Miss                          Beall. You light up the room around                          you. I thank you.                                     FLIRT                              (with a big smile)                         Thank YOU.               The music changes: A LIVELY CHARLESTON. Leopold heaves a                sigh of relief and makes his way through the crowd, up the                staircase.               The dancers become an intricate maze, a dead end at every                turn as Kate searches each male face.               In the foreground, Leopold is stopped by a woman midway up                the stairs. As they chat, Leopold reaches down and picks up                the muddy slipper, offering it to her. She turns in a huff,                flouncing down the stairs.               Simultaneously, in the background, Kate desperately looks                for Leopold.               Leopold studies the slipper as he makes his way up the stairs.                He slows down, hesitates and STOPS. Very slowly he turns                around. He becomes very still. TEARS well up in his eyes.               The ballroom clock strikes MIDNIGHT.               Kate climbs an opposite staircase to get a better view then                STOPS. In her heart SHE KNOWS. Slowly she turns. Leopold                stands quietly at the bottom of the stairs, gazing up at                her. He extends his arm, showing her THE RING. He offers her                his hand.               The crowd, the room, THE WORLD AROUND THEM, DISAPPEAR. Their                eyes lock. As she descends the staircase, THE YEARS MELT                AWAY. Kate's short hair grows long, cascading around her                shoulders. The fine lines around Leopold's face are gone.                They see themselves through each other's eyes, at the moment                of youth, when they fell in love.               Leopold bends down, places the slipper on Kate's foot. He                rises, looks down at his hands and then up at Kate. His hands                are caked with mud. She smiles helplessly. Not caring, he                wraps his arms tightly around her.               MUSIC begins to play, a slow waltz. He nods to her. She takes                a deep breath. Her head bobs in rhythm. She begins to count                silently. Leopold smiles, counting along.               THEY DANCE...               An elderly couple watch Leopold with interest.                                     LORD WHITEHEAD                         Who is that dancing with Leopold?                                     LADY WHITEHEAD                         I've never seen her before.               Kate and Leopold dance past. They are older. As they gaze                into each other's eyes, they twirl. THE LOOK OF YOUTH RETURNS.               At the center of the floor they stop dancing. THEY KISS. The                rest of the world dances around them.               Over this background... THE SCRAPBOOK PICTURES BLEED ONTO                SCREEN.               The old formal wedding photo becomes a photograph of Kate                and Leopold the perfect bride and groom, both discreetly                point to their rings.               Kate stands with Leopold as he establishes a scholarship for                studies in physics.               The old photograph of Leopold and Albert Einstein changes to                include Kate, waving and smiling broadly for the camera.               The professional photograph becomes a double portrait. It                shows the two in their 70's, sitting regally in matching                chairs. They hold hands and smile serenely. Staring directly                into the camera, they show off their rings.               SLOWLY the scrapbook closes...               Kate and Leopold dance, the music swells as they become lost                in the crowd. The clock CHIMES. Slowly we...                                                                  FADE OUT:                                         THE END