The fairy’s princess

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The Fairy's Princess

by Nunzio Cocivera


Five children in a hospital.
Grandmother Lia.
Every child from ten to more years old.

When the curtain opens on the stage each child sleep in separate beds.

MAURILIO: Hallo to all of you.

GEROLAMO: Good morning.

DAMIANO: Good morning.


VITTORINO: Good morning.

MAURILIO: Do you think it? In the course of a few time two women died shaking the entire world.

GEROLAMO: Don't make confusion, please! You can't put them in the same plane!

GREGORIO: Well, we talked about it yesterday evening wily or nilly they were two important person.

VITTORINO: Though living into two different realty, they were friends.

MAURILIO: And both fought against the hunger, the racialism and the war.

DAMIANO: Each really did it; other did it to spruce up in the eyes of the world.

MAURILIO: Don't be bad!

DAMIANO: I'm not bad. It's realty.

VITTORINO: She made charity, too.

DAMIANO: The charity doesn't make neither with old things nor with the surplus. Realty charity has made with renouncing something. My mother for a month has wanted us to don't eat fruit and sweet things. Then she made charity with saved money. That is true charity: to renounce something to make it.

GEROLAMO: But in many incidents, who is in the same position of the Princess, with doing what she does, sensitizes, creates favorable climate of opinion.

GREGORIO: A lot of people also don't do it.

MAURILIO: Mother Teresa was a daughter of a humiliated people and she lived and she struggled for a tormented people.

DAMIANO: She suffered like them and she lived like them, too. The Princess didn't ever do it.

VITTORINO: Beh, the Princess was a woman. Mother Teresa was a Saint.

DAMIANO: Also their funeral was different. Princess' one, with huge means, was a deathly event broadcast like a show.

GREGORIO: Mother Teresa' funeral was more moderate, but it was an event to remember. I think that all the religious of the Planet was reunited to pray for her in her funeral's day.

DAMIANO: Mother Teresa preached the Universal Love and she struggled to promote the life for the life.

GEROLAMO: It's undeniable they were two symbols.

DAMIANO: Of course, but one was the symbol of profane love, other was the symbol of love of the God.

GREGORIO: Their death has deprived us of two personalities, if you want, different, different, but both have done shed tears.

MAURILIO: I liked what the Royals have given her, after her death, the dignity that they had taken away when she was alive.

DAMIANO: Let's stop it! Whit her both the chauffeur and the Arab Prince have died but nobody has cried for them. On the contrary people has flung mud their death.

GREGORIO: It's true. They were only with her.

DAMIANO: Let's stop it! Every day thousand of people die alone and in an anonymous way.

VITTORINO: We are in this hospital, we are ill and she visited ill people.

DAMIANO: Sure! She went where there wars, she did one's best to publicize herself.

GEROLAMO: At least by her way to do she shook the people and the press talked about the event.

DAMIANO: Grandmother Lia goes and visit us, she go to home for the aged, she does a lot of company to everybody. If she should die, who cry for her?

ALL together: We cry!

The door opens and old Lia come in.

LIA: Good morning, children.



VITTORINO: Good morning!


DAMIANO: We were talking about you.

LIA: I hope you were talking well of me.

GREGORIO: Very well.

DAMIANO: It's possible to talk about you only well.

Old lady makes the turn of the beds and she kisses the children.

LIA: Well, today I find you a few better.

MAURILIO: I have cured. I think I'll be discharged tomorrow.

LIA: I'm happy for you. And you (To Damiano).

DAMIANO: I must still analyze and I think I'll be last to leave hospital.

GREGORIO: Could you narrate us a tale?

ALL: Yes, yes, narrate a tale, please!

LIA: Well, I'm narrating you a tale. But it's a sad tale.

GEROLAMO: But haven't all tales a happy end?

LIA: This one unfortunately hasn't a happy end. It's a modern tale and it has a sad end.

VITTORINO: Ok, narrate, please!

LIA: Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess, the princess of the poor, of the patients, of the prisoners, she was beautiful and she has a fairy heart.

MAURILIO: Fairy princess, well.

LIA: Ok, we call her Fairy Princess and like all fairy she dreamed her Prince Charming. She waited; she waited for him and one day Prince arrived.He isn't a real Prince Charming but he was really a prince and she fell in love tenderly. They made a fabulous wedding. They were arrived and beloved by a lot of people. She was radiant and she lived with him very beautiful years during which they had two very nice little prince. When everything looks a idyll, Princess found out that in her prince heart there isn't her, but there is an other woman and she understood to be only a façade: she cried and she suffered a lot but for love of her children, with brake heart, she stayed with him and she suffered by humiliations and pangs.Courtiers, which pretended to become aware of nothing, threw off one's mask and they showed themselves like they really were. She was able any more to accept that life and she found the courage to run away.

DAMIANO: I think to have understood who is that Princess.

MAURILIO: Be silent! Let her go on!

GREGORIO: Go on, please!

LIA: A lot of people found fault with her ferociously. But she wanted to live and to find in other love. But her misfortune didn't end. Her humiliated life, her brake heart that wanted a few of peace, had still to suffer. Flash men appeared like hawks, without heart men which followed her everywhere, snatching also her privacy, and I think, they wanted even take her soul. She worked to make friends with them but it was impossible. Flash men didn't give peace to her.They were masters of her life, of her probable loves. She started to escape from them and, at the same time, she tried to find another love. She made some mistake that punctually flash men spread like a wild fire.Until her new prince looks to be arrived, a nice Arab prince, with which she wanted to gain her life, to become again a beloved woman and mistress one.But harsh fate was in wait and, by voluntary or involuntary help of flash men, stopped her. She and her prince left together this world dying tragically.

MAURILIO: What a sad end! She died when she found the love.

GEROLAMO: She didn't die.

GREGORIO: How did she die? You are stupid!

GEROLAMO: I insist! She didn't die! She lives; she lives in the hearts of a lot of people.

LIA: You are right! Like her people outlive one's death and they remain like a myth.

MAURILIO: She'll young and beautiful in hearts and in eyes of who saw into her the fairy Princess.

LIA: There is another Princess, yet.

GREGORIO: Who is she?

LIA: Rania from Jordan.

GREGORIO: It's true: she's so gentle and fine as Diana was.

LIA: And her husband is a great man, too!

GEROLAMO: W the Fairy Princess!